Sim Scenes!

Dec 12, 2009 10:25

Hi, everyone!

I said I'd do this week's Sim Scenes, so I will quickly post this before I have to leave for the Saturday shows! One at two and one at eight, and then the show is (thankfully) done! So enjoy, this week's prompts were Getting Lost - Awe - Knowledge. And if you can identify who I modeled the Sims after, you win at life forever.

Awweh. Everyone loves the cute! ^_^ So the idea behind this shoot is a couple go on a hike in the woods, but when night falls and it becomes dark, they get lost. The girl frantically tries to save the day, but her other half insists he knows where he's going. She doesn't believe him and they fight. The guy points out the car is *right there* and the girl's surprised at his random spurt of knowledge. But, y'know, love conquers all and such, and making up isn't that hard to do.

The Sims are technically Mortimer and Dina of Pleasantview, who I've married off in my game. But they're modeled after different characters entirely. If you know, you win, as previously stated.

Also, working in a forest is hard. I'd move them around and I kept moving trees by accident. But I think all in all I concealed everything I had to conceal...the mailbox, the animation boxes, and such. I think it makes sense, but feedback's always welcome!

Gotta go, it's almost time to leave and my dad is exasperated with me....

Quote of the Day: "That never happened." "Fantastic!"


fantastic!, dina, june is in a rush, sim scenes, guess and win!, christmas show, cute shoot is cute, mortimer, i dislike nature, random, goth, opposites attract

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