+18- Tales of a Chemical Romantic

Sep 30, 2009 21:43

Hi, everyone!

See my userpic? *pokes* Finally, after going through pages and pages of picture threads on message boards, saving dozens of pictures along the way, I have finally finished my set of My Chemical Romance avatars!!

I am really super proud of myself, because I never thought this set would become anything outside of my mind. But look, it has! And there are 18 of them! I call it, Tales of a Chemical Romantic. I.e., me. ;)

People to thank: LiveJournal and its userpic creation tool, where I cropped and borderized all 18. To all the people who took the actual pictures, because without pictures, I'd have nothing. And finally to MCR themselves for being inspiration to me for lots of things, not just this. *glomps all of the above* Hmm, I wonder how you go about glomping a website.

So, a bit of info about all the pics. They are all varying sizes but are all either 100x100 or less, so you can use them as an avatar most anywhere: LJ, forums and message boards, on your IM, wherever. And I'm perfectly fine with these being used, as long as you credit me. But seriously, use them anywhere, upload them anywhere, I really don't mind, as long as you don't take credit for it. I'll include the sizes for all 18 if you want to be sure. My goal making these was to include bits of the MCR logo (mostly the jagged one with the big O, which was current until recently, but one has the old-school Three Cheers logo)  and just something band-related. Some have microphones, some have bits of Bob's drum set, a ton have parts of the band included. Like mine has Gerard's hand/arm and microphone. I just think it looks really neat. If you want I'll try to identify who's in which avvie, but it shouldn't be difficult to guess. Enjoy!



















SIZES: 1. 100x87  2. 100x100  3. 100x100  4. 100x100 5. 100x100  6. 100x100  7. 100x100  8. 100x100  9. 100x100  10. 100x100  11. 100x100  12. 100x93  13. 100x100  14. 100x95  15. 100x93  16. 100x100  17. 100x100  18. 100x93

I do have the originals to all the pictures, if you want them. And I'd love feedback! They're my first attempts at avatars that I think are halfway good. And I have bunches of MCR pictures, so if you like these 18 but you'd really love something else, I can definitely get it to you as long as you're okay with the plainness. Cause Gimp and me? We don't get along at all. >_<
So that's my set! Please, spread it all over the intarwebz! :D No, really, I'll just be glad if one person uses one and likes it. Does anyone know where I can show these off? I dunno. Perhaps just using them will get them places.

Quote of the Day: "I think you need to take a few more English lessons, trade means I get something too."


project, i are a fangirl, look what i made, tales of a chemical romantic, june recommends things, my chemical romance, avatars, random

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