Ice Cream YAY!

Aug 29, 2009 20:58

Hi, everyone!

Well, I'm really glad I got Chapter 37 out today. I got some playing in as well, but Sahara Valley kept crashing, argh. I would have done more, but it was just too frustrating.

Wanna see my new desktop background? Warning, it's HUUUUGE.

Yes, I love MiniMCR a lot. Plus I <3 Mikey Way, AND unicorns. So it was a perfect, adorable combination of the three. ^_^  And I got this snip from when I was writing Chapter 37, so that's why there's a million Sim-related things open. And the one labeled "Backup" is obviously my backup of my entire game. I did it when I installed Teen Style and Family Fun, since I was afraid of installing TSS since it's more recent than Seasons. So yeah, just wanted to show that off. It's actually the first time I've changed my desktop since I first got my laptop.Yes, it's actually been the same for over a year. But look at little MiniMikey, could you say no? :D

Right now I'm watching the movie version of "Ella Enchanted" and it's annoying the hell out of me. Seriously, why change like EVERYTHING for no real reason? I mean, they're not even replacing stuff with better stuff, but rather worse stuff! Ugh.

Also, I'm working on a secret project for some friends of mine. It's a music video to a song of theirs, using some of my Sims. I'm still working on it, editing and putting in scenes. But someday it'll be on YouTube, and I'll link you guys to it. It'll probably be pretty awful since it's my first Sim movie evar, but, you know, at least it'll get some views and I'll get some experience. :)

And I'm eating ice cream. That makes me cooler than you. It's cookies & cream, which is my favorite flavor. Oreos? Vanilla ice cream? I'm stayin'!

And more on the whole Quote of the Day thing, I didn't really cover it all that well. Each day I post I will write a quote that I found funny or insightful or just plain weid, some quote I liked and felt the need to share. Like off some YouTube video, from a book, from a movie, but I'll try not to go the easy route and just pick lyrics from songs. I dunno, it seems seperate from quotes for me. I won't list the source, and you can try guessing, but it won't be a guess-the-quote game, it's just if you want to or if you heard it or something. Hint: I can already tell many many quotes will be from members of My Chemical Romance. Cause they're just quotable, for realz.

Also, time for the Story Behind the Mood Theme! The icon representing "full" (in this case, of ice cream!) comes from a MiniMCR strip in which MiniGerard cuts his hair, and MiniFrank sells the shed locks on ebay to fangirls and buys several cases of Twizzlers with the money. ^_^

Well, bye!

Quote of the Day (same as last post, but whatever):  "Popsicles should be the new black. Then everyone would have one."


super secret project, new!desktop, stupid technology, random, everything's better in mini-form, they changed it now it sucks

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