Hi, everyone!
Hey, notice something new? Yes, I'm still on rotation with userpics, this is one's new to you. But also, new mood theme!! It's in the theme of MiniMCR (
minimcrcomm formerly
minimcr ), one of my new favorite webcomics. Not just because it's about MCR, which would normally do it, but also because it's effing HILARIOUS. The day I found it I dedicated almost two days just to read every last comic. I bet even people who dislike MCR would find it hilarious. So you should definitely check it out.
I was a little nervous to make a theme with icons from MiniMCR. After all, they're not my drawings. I think that's a given; see the entry "Heaven Help Us!" for proof that I am an awful artist. But I realized it all should end up okay. The author encourages use of the icons she made of the comics, I linked to her, I'm not passing it off as mine, and finally, there haven't been any MiniMCR updates in over a year, which makes me sad. The comics are all still there, but there haven't been any new ones for a long time.
Also, MiniMCR emote epically. Like, some of the icons I chose will actually make you laugh, even out of context. But some things are even funnier IN context, so if I see the need I'll explain the joke and maybe link to the comic it's from if I think it's particularly awesome.
Making a custom mood theme is hell, by the way. A while back I said I was starting this project, but mysteriously and vaguely. I had to get a folder for all the icons I was using. (I used 90 icons. And I repeated several!) Then I had to upload them to sucky Imagefra.me. Please, for the sake of your sanity, NEVER EVER use Imagefra.me. It's laggy and ad-ridden, especially with the two most annoying ads: The talking ones, and the way inappropriate ones for that weird castle MMO or whatever, you know, the ones with the strippers calling you "my lord." Gah. It was kinda funny, though; the best was one of poor MiniMikey waking from a nightmare right next to the inappropraite ones. ^_^ And THEN stupid Imagefra.me tried to give me a Trojan and my Internet died. After THREE HOURS of uploading s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y-y-y. Yeah. I was lucky I was home alone, I slipped into pirate language.
So in other news, I've typed up about 60 slides of Chapter 37. I can't seem to get inspired to do anything but copy, paste, retype. I fail, I know. But the mood theme took a lot out of me, and I was at school today helping other Performing Arts kids set up the band. That was a project.
Also I think I'll be having funnier, more random tags. Like "never use imagefra.me". >.<
So! Hope my new mood theme gets a few giggles at some point. MiniMikey salutes my accomplishments!