Ginny/Rem Picspam and Chapter 34

Jun 17, 2009 12:41

Hi, everyone!

I've been doing a lot of stuff today. I FINALLY finished writing Chapter 34, "It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes" in-game today! WHOOO! I felt so awesome when I finished it, I've been struggling with 34 a bit.

There are ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE SLIDES in this chapter. You heard me. That's one-four-one. It NEVER would have fit on the Exchange and I would have been really mad. This chapter's insane. There were a number of very tricky scenes for me to write. Hopefully, by the end of the week, when my finals are done, in between studying, I will have typed everything up in PowerPoint. So yay!

Back to the insanity of this chapter. There's so much emotion in it. I think as I write it I'm going to cry. Whenever I'm writing I start to feel the emotions I write about. So nobody better annoy me for awhile. ;D

But I really need to sell a point, to make something upcoming believable, to feel a certain way and to not be so quick to trust and believe. And yet at the same time I need to write a real, true relationship. It's hard. But I think I got it across.

There was one scene in particular that I wrote today that skeeved me out. Sibling angst! Looking at a certain picture which I cannot speak of because it is a SPOILERSNAPEKILLSDUMBLEDORESPOILER, I just feel so much. I'll be sure to talk about that whole scene in the Epic Behind-the-Scenes Post.

Anyway! Rem graduates in this chapter, and naturally I got him and Ginny married. In this picspam you will die from adorableness and I wil prove a point! HA!

So in "It's a Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes", Rem graduates. Meaning we need a new placeholder. But I can't use any of the H kids' beaus because I need them for plot purposes. But anyway! For like a day I fulfilled Rem's and Ginny's wants but they never rolled the want to get married or have kids. Ginny, you fail at being a Popularity Sim! You didn't even roll the throw a party want! Jerk.

"Well? Are you going to marry me or not?"
"You're supposed to start, unless you want to be Ginny Saikh."
"Oh, yeah."

Hee hee. So cute!

OMGWTFBBQ?! As soon as Rem put the ring on Ginny's finger, the rain stopped! OMG, that's adorable! Even the GAME knows they're meant for each other!!

Awww. <3

And now we start praying for recessive genes. Pleeeease? I can't STAND that Baron's the only spare who has had a recessive-gened child. Stupid Flipendo. I mean recessive hair, the Berleen brood has mostly gray eyes. But other than stupid Flipendo, no kids of spares have been natural blondes or redheads.

Aww. Neither of them rolled the baby want, though! Well, they are Pleasure and Popularity. Not really baby people. I think Fred might have rolled the baby want, and I'm pretty sure Almeric did.

I firmly believe one of the reasons Ginny didn't win was because of Rem. A lot of people were all like, "NOOO! NOT EMO KID HE'S SO UGLY!" and thus to ensure that my Legacy genes were not eternally damned they voted for someone else. Were they right? Cause I don't think Rem's all that bad!

Dammit. Brown hair/brown eyes. But Rem's S1, so Ginny didn't totally obliterate his genes. This little girl's named Kelly. Yeah, not a spell, but there is a theme. Green has always been Ginny's color, and the whole house is green, so the naming scheme is shades of green. Kelly green is too a color, shut up.

Patronum. Go the hell home. Seriously, him and Fleur came over for no reason. Rem asked them both to leave and only Fleur went. When Ginny went into speed-up-my-pregnancy induced labor, he decided to be dumb and watch instead of leave.

And here's Kelly! The verdict is, I was right and you were wrong. Rem does NOT in fact produce ugly children. In fact, as I said in the beginning, Kelly's mostly Granger. Rem made zero difference except the skintone and maybe possiby her eye shape.

In fact, Kelly's downright adorable. I actually wish she had MORE of her daddy in her. She's got the Granger nose, the Granger mouth, the eyes and hair, Kelly's a true Granger. Thanks, Marion, now I can't get the Face Two out of the gene pool. If ANYONE affected the gene pool it was her.

And Kelly grows up and retains her Granger-ness but picks up her father's liking for eyeliner. ^_^ She's sporty! Got a lot of those active points, the little runner. I love her little ponytail, but it is not well-animated. It doesn't move from her shoulder ever.

Kelly's a ninja. She's gonna p'wn you with her ninja-skillz.

"Why am I thinking about Uncle George? He's boring."
I love you, Kelly.

"Excuse me, baby, but Mommy has to pop out a sibling for you."
"Uh, okay."

OMG YAY! A little girl WITH REM'S HAIR! Ha! Eat that, Baron!
Alright, since the kid got your hair, Rem, you can name her. Shades of green, remember.
"Her name is Mint."
Uh, okay, yeah, that's not weird.

Oh, look, another hideous spawn of Emo Kid. *eyeroll* Mint's mostly Granger and adorable as well.

Aww, look at Mint! She has Ginny's S3, Rem's hair YAY, and pretty much everything else is Granger. If anyone has dominant genes, it ain't Rem, it's Ginny.
So I was right. Rem made almost no difference in the gene pool besides blonde hair and S1. And those are GOOD things. I could have had natural-blonde Mimi! D:

Family portrait time! Aww, they're so sweet.

And finally, I managed to do the cover for Chapter 34 in PowerPoint. Enjoy, speculate, and so on.


mint, chapter 34, ginny, harry, hermione's abcs, rem, kelly, random, picspam

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