Dec 21, 2008 22:23
Hey, it's that time again! Tales of the Spares!!
Today our spare is Araminta. As you may guess, she's a Gen. A spare. In my first generation I was still learning about Simming on a non-gaming laptop and fell victim to the dreaded first-born syndrome. Don't have it, fellow Simmers? Thank your lucky stars and possum dogs, or the deity of your choice. Why? Because it SUCKS, plain and simple. All the children look the same and have the same personality. In my case, it was a crappy personality. One nice point for all of em. Yay?
So since Araminta looked EXACTLY like Arianna, I got bored and decided to make her a tiger.
Not a REAL tiger, freaks. I put tiger make-up on her and dressed her in orange and she said "rawr" instead of real words as a child. So she has two nicknames: Minty and Tiger. I actually prefer Minty, but whatever.
She was a Family Sim. That means she wants marriage, babies, and grandbabies, and she wants her kids to get married, and she wants her kids to get good educations, and she wants eleventy billion grandbabies. I like Family Sims because they're sugar-sweet.
So Minty went to La Fiesta Tech I mean Hogwarts U with her siblings, got bored (well, actually, that was me) and dropped out of college. She moved into an orange house and married a townie named Komei. She had twin daughters, Avada and Kedavra, who are toeing the ugly line. I mean, sometimes I'm like "AUGH MY EYES!! IT BURNS!!" and other times I'm like, "Not too shabby." They confuzzle me.
Minty went through some drama when Komei got eaten by a Cowplant on the main lot. She plummeted into failure, but resurrected him and they remain happily married and can be seen wandering Sahara Valley to this day. Avada and Kedavra may someday go to college with their distant relatives. Maybe. If they're good.
This has been Tales of the Spares, Part II. (II means two.) Thanks for reading. Good night! Drive safe!