But I Digress

May 22, 2009 12:14

Hi, everyone!

The Exchange is still broken. STILL. I sent a tech support letter and I got a robotic auto-reponse. I think I'll send it again.

Why on earth am I, a teenage high school girl, at home at noon? I'm not sick. It's Memorial Day Weekend! Whoo! That = I get a five-day weekend! Also because I'm a cute lil Catholic schoolgirl with my little uniform and yesterday was Ascension Thursday and my school randomly gave us Friday off, too. My school's very random. So I get yesterday, today, and Monday off, plus, naturally, Saturday and Sunday.

So since the Exchange is still broken, I shall update you people with stuff!

The H kids are at Uni with Rem and Abbey. I've been shooting for Chapter 33, "Break My Heart", and a chunk of it's done. It's really cool. It's like, love and rejection and guilt and anger and hallucinations and chapels and old habits and suicidal tendencies and balconies and family closeness and Harry being a goody-goody and Mimi being dumb and Helena being emo and Seb developing character and stuff. It's very cool. And there are two more chapters of Uni joy. Yay. (Not really.)

I've also been playing the BC. Day Three is written up and I made the elimination for Day 4. Day 4 only has like seven slides written/arranged.

Also I downloaded Gimp and it's confusing the hell out of me. I don't get it at all. Perhaps someday I'll need it and force myself to learn it. But right now I'm just like "Gimp WTF?"

Also my right earbud died this week. I have a bad history with earbuds. They always seem to be destroyed. But my left earbud works for now. In my defense for these earbuds, I got them last Christmas. So that's a pretty good long life for my right earbud. It seems contact with my laptop kills earbuds. These half-dead earbuds worked for months with my mp3. And I really mistreated them there. Their location was always "Eh. In my bed somewhere." For a little while after my right earbud died, I used my mom's old headphones. My brother sat on them. Yeah, he's a real genius. I didn't see anything wrong with them. The problem was the left headphone stuck out at an odd angle. I taped it and it worked. I felt really smart and handy. Yeah, they worked for all of five seconds and then it stuck out again. They irritated me so now I'm back to my broken pair.

And Kris Allen won America Idol. Underdog win! He's not better than Adam, who I found incredibly amusing, but it's good. Adam can have a career away from the commercialist evil of the American Idol producers. Kelly Clarkson and many others must have fled for a reason! I find amusing that Adam won't discuss if he's gay when everyone knows he is. It's like having a crush on someone and hiding it, but everyone except the crush already knows. :D

Today I finished reading all the chapters of the Vetinari Dualegacy. It's very good, tohse of you who haven't read it should!

Yesterday I finished reading a book, Blood and Chocolate. It was really good, I loved it...until the end. The ending SUCKED. I hated the ending. I was like, "WTF are you doing?! NO! THIS SUCKS!" So all day yesterday I was all like, "The end of that book SUCKED!" randomly.

Right now I'm eating noodles with garlic powder. They're goooood.

Also a couple days ago I got a comment on my GB that really annoyed me. It was all like, "Hey, where have you been? You haven't uploaded anything recently." Um. Dude. What does "The Exchange is down" mean to you? Good news, though, there's one new story each day. That bodes well, doesn't it? Bad news, though, each day the single story that gets uploaded is a steaming hot pile of crap. I read them. It's like, these single stories are the only new things people can read! And they're just randoms making really bad stories. It's so not fair. Let someone who can actually WRITE upload!!

My, what a ramble we have here! If you stuck around to the end, I salute you!


american idol, bachelor challenge, hermione's abcs, random, exchange, chapter 33

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