DITFT: What is sims I don't even know

Jun 12, 2012 15:30

So it's almost been literally a year since I last posted an update for this challenge. And it's been only a little less than a year since I've updated this journal point-blank.

I guess, yeah, I quit Sims for the year or so? And considering I'm heading off to college in the fall, I don't know if I can ever start to keep up with it again. (Today I downloaded something for my game for the first time in ages and I forgot what to do for a second. It was weird.) I'd love to, but, I don't know. Anyway! DITFT!

The night is still and quiet. The stars shine high above in the heavens over Belladonna Cove. Sleep has claimed most of the populace, and, unbeknownst to them, they have been sleeping for days...weeks...months...
And one voice cries out.

Uh...uh...okay I got this. I know how to play this game. Yeah! I've been playing Sims since I was seven. One little months-long hiatus isn't gonna change anything.

See, everything's fine! Get the kid out of the crib and I'm golden. See, I'm fine.

Hey, Vera. Say, why are you...wait...HOLD ON SINCE WHEN ARE YOU PREGNANT WHAT THE FUCK

oh my god why is this happening why are you pregnant again when did this happen why don't I remember you'd think I'd remember that, right?! Oh my god I need a name now and I need to randomize the genetics and--
Vera: Remember, deep breaths.
Can it, heiress! Okay. Here's an idea, how about we start with a recap.

Connor: ...and that's how all that stuff happened! Funny, right?
No, wrong. Start at the beginning. You know what? Never mind. I'll do it.
This challenge is called A Difference in the Family Tree. It is a Sims 3 challenge converted to TS2 by my friendo Heather/imxplosion (<3), founded by ex-NTM model Ameera Talbot. Ameera married Gabriel and they had two kids. Bill, the spare, married a girl named Allyn and had a daughter named Renee, who'll make a cameo later. Vera, the heiress, is currently pregnant with her second child by husband Connor, nee Weir. They already have a daughter, Santana. Now, there's to be 16 generations, each with different themes and objectives. Ameera was farming, Vera is business, and the future heir will be romance/travel, but I don't have BV, unfortunately, so I'll have to go all romantic. Should be interesting; I always play Romance Sims absolutely terribly. Haha oh god no.

Ameera and Gabriel, both being Gaming enthusiasts, spend a lot of time either like this...
Ameera: I SAW YOU! You put in a cheat code!
Gabriel: La-la-la, can't hear you over the sound of me winning!
...or tending to Santana, because Vera's meditating to keep her motives from going crazy and Connor...I don't know. I can never account for Connor. I think I told him to skill up for a promotion or something. And when he's not doing that, he's busy succeeding at work.

dammit Connor

Santana's fairly self-sufficient. She draws a lot and she's building some skills there. It's almost her birthday, so all of her toddler skills have been taught. She's golden.
Santana: Hey, that drawing looks uncannily similar to mine...
Shocking, considering you drew both.

Alright, come on, birthday girl, let's see if your face smooths out any.

Well, that's a definite yes! Santana's freaking ADORABLE. Aside from that eye shape of Gabriel's and the Talbot nose, she's the spitting image of Connor. I like it!

/obligatory aww cute picture

For some reason Connor and Gabriel get along really well and hang out a lot. I guess it's a spouses-gotta-stick-together thing. Santana wandered off and Gabriel swooped in and began telling Connor jokes and admiring him and doing all sorts of things. It was just kinda odd for me to come back from managing the rest of the house to an admire/congratulate/tell joke party in Santana's room, haha.

But then of course, once everyone was in bed and it was like ass-o'clock-in-the-morning, Vera decided to pop out the kid. Everybody meet Julius! I was trying to stick to the theme of promiscuous namesakes, considering the generation's theme (haha I still watched Glee back when Santana was born!), but I was stuck. So I asked my brother, and he vouched loudly and adamantly for the name "Caesar." Of course, that was stupid, so I named him Julius instead. /cool story bro

I'm glad because I was so worried I would fuck up and Vera would have a Santana clone, but Julius has got Gabriel's skintone, so we're good. I'm so disappointed the green skintone went away so quickly. I mean, Renee across town has the leafy skin! Why not Santana or Julius?
Anyway, this means Vera can go back to work; she's already a business tycoon, but I'd hate for her to quit. Not like we need the money, but her LTW is to earn 100,000 dollars, so we might as well keep her working. And then if she's at home I'd have to manage her and ugh do not want, I'm too obsessive to have Ameera, Gabriel, Julius, AND Vera at home every day.

It also means Connor and Vera can share a bed again. Vera's been meditating for like three days straight, after all.

And this promptly happened! Vera earned her $100,000 and Connor got promoted! Yay.

Well that seems reasonable enough. I like finding my Sims' one true hobbies, because in a challenge like this I don't force hobbies on people for plot reasons.

So let's try some stuff out! Maybe Music & Dance, San?
Santana: Nah.
Okay, okay, that's fine. I got all day, don't worry.

Maybe Nature, then, like Granny Ameera?
Santana: No.
Alright calm down, I'll figure this out.

Maybe you're an Arts & Crafts kind of girl, Santana. So look at the art. Study it and--
Santana: This is just some crappy picture of sheep you hung up in the nursery to make it less bland.
You are not studying Santana Talbot

Santana: Okay, fine. Look, I'm studying.
That's better. Now, Santana, really lose yourself in the art. Feel it in your heart and soul. Embrace the beauty of art! Do you feel it?

Santana: LOL NOPE
Does nothing please you, kid?! Alright! Fine! We'll keep looking.

Santana: Gee, they sure look like they're having fun knowing their hobbies and all...
Oh my god shut up about-- wait! Of course! Why didn't I think of Games? That's the predominant hobby in the house, after all! She's gotta be Games.

Or not at all, I guess.
Go play your Sims 3 and stop being such a drama queen. I got one true hobbies to discover.

Wow. Tinkering? I wouldn't have suspected. There ya go, San! You're a tinkerer!
Gabriel: noooo
I'm sure she'll still play games with you, Gabe.
Gabriel: It's just not the same!
Again. Drama queen.

See, Gabriel? You can still bond with your granddaughter over looking at the rain through solid walls instead of actual windows like idiots. It's totally fine!
Wait. Hey Gabriel, why can't I select you? Why aren't you controllable? Gabriel what are you doing you goddamn--

oh my god NO I quit Sims again, I can't take this right now

Well that's it. Show's over, folks, this is it. The most entertaining, ridiculous, stupid, whimsical, amazing spouse I've ever had in any challenge I've ever done is finally entering hula-heaven. What is even the point anymore?

...god dammit, Gabriel. Okay, now I have the strength to go on. If there was a way for Gabriel to go out in style, this was it.

And with that, Gabriel Green-Talbot leaves us. He's survived by his wife Ameera, his kids Vera and Bill, his grandkids Santana, Julius, and Renee, and his legacy of goofy shenanigans. Shine on, you crazy diamond, you'll be dearly missed.

Santana: But he never got to teach me how to watch the rain through the walls!
I'm not joking, the Reaper came just as I was directing Gabriel to interact with Santana. I had one last locked want for him, which was to become best friends with her, and I was thisclose when he died. Like, 2 lifetime interaction points. It's actually really sad.

But as we can plainly see, Gabriel's spirit lives on in the Talbot house.

SHOCKING NEWS: Burned food tastes bad!
Ameera: Want some salad? :D

Anyway, Gabriel's insurance policy came through, and it seems everyone got something. Especially Ameera. Like, holy shit. Gabriel, where were you hiding all that cash, in your goddamn pants pocket?

Connor...Connor, what? Connor why do you remember getting money from Gabriel's death but not Gabriel's actual death itself
Connor what the fuck

But anyway, it's a quiet night, everything's fine, it's all--
NO. Get the hell out of here! When I remodeled the house I forgot to replace the burglar alarm, sure, but that doesn't give you a right to come in here and take our stuff!


CONNOR GET UP THERE IS A BURGLAR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU oh my god the only phone is downstairs
Disturbing fact, I am actually pretty awful at this game.

GODDAMMIT SHE TOOK THE CAR. At least the cops are here! She'll be brought to justice soon enough.

Connor: Not on my stairs!!

Connor: At least they didn't mess up the stairs.
Go back to bed, Connor.


So the burglar made off with the car, a statue, and some paintings, which I have meticulously replaced with other shit because I don't care. Maybe this bearded guy won't get his dumb ass stolen. Yeah.
And yes, I also bought a burglar alarm.

Well, shit. Sorry, San, this just isn't my week.

But hey, at least you've made a friend! Remember cousin Renee? It's pretty amazing to see how the spares and the main line are so divergent already, but still in some ways the same. (That Talbot nose though!)

Vera's head got stuck like this for like two hours. It was very disquieting. She didn't move or blink or ANYTHING. Weird.

Santana: Waaaah my grandpa died and my house got robbed and my dad's an idiot and you sent home my friend to make me do homework!
There's a lot going on at the Talbot house right now. Including...JULIUS'S BIRTHDAY! Hooray! Can't wait to see what he looks like!

Gabriel continues to haunt the family by bestowing his nose on Julius. And sure, it'll look fine when he grows up.

BUT JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT IT. You need a microscope to see his nose in side profile!

And speaking of haunting, how are you doing, buddy?
Gabriel: Knowledge.
Okay then.

Vera and Connor have headed back to work, leaving Ameera with the kids during the day.

See? Success just running rampant around here.


Vera: lol don't care
At least Ameera's around to be semi-responsible.

Ameera and Julius really do get along well. She taught him a nursery rhyme! Aww.

OH NO NOT AGAIN Ameera noooooooo

Julius nooooo shh it'll be okay! (no it won't MY FOUNDER'S DYING AUGH)

And with that, both my founders go to rest. Ameera started this challenge from nothing but a shabby house and a plot of land, growing tomatoes for income. She never did get to be Mayor as per her LTW, but she got permaplat anyway simply through living a good life. You'll be missed, but at least you're with your other half now.

They sure were some good founders, huh...

Santana...Santana what the fuck both your grandparents JUST DIED

Brief intermission for mildly attractive townie reading the paper.
Okay we're good.

Julius grew up! See, the nose is growing on him already. My brother, who is still sulking that I didn't name Julius "Caesar" instead, insists he looks like that kid from The Lorax and I...can't help but agree. Uh.

That's all for now, and I really hope I can make some significant progress on this challenge in the days to come! I'm glad I'm getting back into this game, kinda, haha.

connor, ameera, ditft, santana, vera, what is this i don't even, i reget nothing, julius, gabriel, picspam

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