DITFT: Buy something or get out!

Jun 24, 2011 15:59

I'm finally finished with exams! Finally I can sit down and type up this update without feeling like I'm neglecting schoolwork or not studying enough. (Not that it helped, lol, I'm pretty much fucked with all my exams except history.) But anyway! We have a nice update today, filled with many silly shenanigans in an effort for an extra two points. Intrigued? Read on!

So last time on this lovely challenge, heiress Vera Talbot married Connor Weir and they had a daughter, Santana. Both Vera and Connor are currently in the Business career. Ameera and Gabriel, our founders, got old and engaged in daily video game tournaments, occasionally interacting with their younger granddaughter (designated spare Bill had a daughter, Renee, in the spare update). What's next for the main line? Probably not anymore babies, but we'll see.

Oh. Also apparently this happened. Cool life.

Oh, the game tournament must be on break. Wait a second, I never even looked at Santana's stats, did I?

Well, if San could be any less like her namesake, it'd be news to me. But I'm avoiding ridiculously mean Sims this challenge! Yay.

Santana: I'M SO NICE
Yes, yes you are.

Here we have the stark contrast between Generations 1 and 3. I'm actually really disappointed that we're losing the leafy green skintone already.

I know Gabriel already pulled this face a couple chapters ago, but Ameera just looks so cute doing it I couldn't not take a picture.

Santana really is the spitting image of Connor, save for the family eye shape.

Speaking of Vera and Connor, their lives seem to be alternating between working and sleeping. They're hardly around these days.

Vera tops her career and gets me a point. And now, the main event of this chapter can occur...

Oh, yes. We're opening a business.

So Vera and Connor head off alone to work the family business up to level 10, an endeavor which will surely take up the entire chapter.

So here it is, a remodeled premade community lot in Belladonna Cove. It's called Executive Apparel, and it's a clothing, jewelry, mirror, and dresser drawer store.

Here's the main shopping floor. It's a pretty classy place, right? I redesigned a lot of it, because it wasn't very pretty before.

Look, customers! Here we have my Belladonna Cove prototype of Chloe O'Brian. (idk what happened to that Legacy; probably me being lazy.) But she bought a mirror, yay!

But while Vera is quite adept at sales, Connor isn't so with the cash register. You better hurry that up, Connor, Chloe's got her gonna-smack-a-bitch face on.

Statue: And let there be light! Haha, just kidding, it's a witch.
Pretty sparkles spam now!

Vera: And here is our selection of-- OH GOD WHAT IS THAT


Vera: Are you ready to get excited about this mirror?!
Customer: IT'S ALL I NEED
Unlocking the ability to Dazzle: +9000

So these two are a premade couple and they both showed up on the lot at the same time and proceeded to act all couple-y. And block the register.
Vera: Are you guys going to buy something or what?

Really? Are you guys really getting it on in a photobooth in someone's store right now? That is so--wait, you're getting star points for this?
Carry on, then.

This was almost the cover page because it's so funny, but I figured the other one worked better.

Statue: Check out my sweet moves! :D
Sally Riley: *doesn't care at all*
Statue: :(

Vera: Something horrible is on the horizon. I can feel it in my bones.
I think it's just that creepy dresser drawer with three eyes getting to you.


Connor, what the hell are you doing out here? I ordered you to stay at the register and, like, accept the customer payments.

Guy: Oh hey, Connor, you're not doing anything, are you? SMOOCHIES!
Customer: Can I buy stuff yet?

Connor: See, I can totally do it without even looking at the register! Uh...uh...
Guy: Haha, I totally got it on with my wife in your photobooth.
Connor: What?!
Stop distracting him, jerk!

Connor: What does "void" mean again? Oops...

Guy: I have examined your life and found it to be full of failure.
Connor: D:

So every now and again I'd have to close the store and have these two abuse the energizer and interact a little bit, represented by this otherwise irrelevant shot. They're cute, okay?


That awkward moment when one of your customers has a similar-sounding name to your daughter.

Vivian Cho: Ooh, that cashier can check me out any day!
HEY. No usurping my cashier! I paid for this one fair and square!

So my NTM entrant Marnie Tivian wandered into Executive Apparel and I followed her with the camera. Why? Because Marnie Tivian. That's why.

She's so cute, aww.

See, she's not even getting angry at Connor's ineptitude!
Connor: Hey!

Ugh, I hate when evil witches come to the lot. They make it rain and never even have the common decency to buy anything.

Hey! You better not distract him, or your life will get significantly less cordial, know what I'm saying?
Samantha Cordial: *creepy stare*

Oh, look! Your far-less-annoying sister's here. Kimberly doesn't distract the hired help, no siree bob.

Note to self: get Kimberly Cordial into this challenge somehow.

Okay, Connor, now you're just being obtuse. FACE FORWARD, DAMMIT.


Vera: So, would you like to buy something?
Vera: Wha...?

You gave us a negative star for trying to sell you something in our store?!
Jerkass: LOLZ
Get out.


Customer: Oh. Hello. Your broom is kind of jammed in my hip, but that's cool.
Vera, I think we need to do something about these witches.

Vera: What witches?
Other Witch: Whee, sparkles! Of magic!

Samantha Cordial: Wait, how come this neighborhood has more witches than your Harry Potter-themed neighborhood?
Quiet, you.

Samantha Cordial: Okay. Yaaaaay, magic!
Um, Vera--
Okay then.

Ha! Remember this guy who wouldn't buy anything? Well, Vera just sold him our most expensive item in the entire store. HOW 'BOUT THAT?

Shut up, you're not even a proper Fortune Sim, your LTW is to have six grandchildren.
Connor: my neeeeeeeeeeds
Fine, I'll let you have a spot of want-fulfillment. Just be quiet.

Wait, where the hell did you come from, Overalls? Uh, you're gonna have to wait a second...maybe browse some more?
Overalls: *stare*
...or you could do that.

Overalls: *minus minus*
Could you two hurry it up back there?

Overalls: So you're done, then?
Connor: Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me.

Lady: Even with your ugly mug and your ugly fro, you're still boring. YAAAAWN
Don't fight here! I don't need any stars lost to old lady fights!

Witch: Muwahahaha, I control the weather! I control your very lives

And just as we're on the verge of level 10, Connor finally maxes out this skill.
Connor: Do I get cake?
No, your wife maxed out sales AND restocking in the same time frame. And the cake is a lie.

BOOYAH! That's bonus points for me and it spells the end of the chapter for all of you. But I want to continue making money via Executive Apparel...I think I'm gonna need a manager, right?

Aww, what a sweet little F1 who just randomly wandered in here. I've got a job for you, honey.
F1: My name's Diane.
Just let me hire you, okay?

Diane: Well, golly, Mrs. Talbot, I'd love to help here!
Vera: Good. Go restock everything, I don't want to anymore.
Diane: But I only have a badge in make-overs.
Vera: Yeah, and I have a badge in I-don't-care. Hop to it.

But before we leave for good, I though it would be funny for Connor to learn how to breakdance.

Breakdancer: You call that a "robot"? I'd prefer a murderous android hell-bent on exterminating my ass to your "robot"!
Ooh, burn.

Breakdancer: DEAR GOD WHY
Vera: You know, Connor, he's right, you're terrible.

Breakdancer: Okay, look at me. And now look at you. Do you know what the difference between us is? I DON'T SUCK
Vera: Well, he certainly told you.
Connor: Honey I am trying to concentrate

I just liked this angle. So I made a banner out of it. See, I don't know, Connor's moves look passable to me most of the time, but Connor's coach always reacts like he just triggered the nuclear holocaust with his lack of abilities.

But at the break of day, Connor finally gets his technique down. Awesome. Let's leave now.

And so, our dynamic duo head back home, leaving this mini-challenge and chapter behind them.
...Connor where the hell are you get into the vehicle immediately. (I seriously thought I lost him for a minute in-game.)
Well, that's all for this chapter. Next time, we're back home! But before that I'm going to be working on Hermione's ABCs, and before even that I'm going to finish watching this musical. (I paused it right as Act 2 was starting and said, "I'm going to finish this chapter before watching the rest of this OR ELSE," haha.)


i'm so nice!, school is for losers, raaaage, awkward moments, picspam, nooooooooooooooo, marnie, magical adventures, fail, connor, ditft, *victory dance*, santana, hermione's abcs, vera, what is this i don't even, grr, i will cut you bitch

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