Whoo, I have a performance in two weeks! Yay for never having a life again until Easter break (not that I ever really had a life to start with, but that's not the point). So basically, that's why it's been just about a month since the last DITFT update, and that will likely be the reason why there won't be another for at least the next two weeks. But it's all good. Onward!
Last time at casa del Talbot, potential heirs Bill and Vera had their teen birthdays and became Fortune Sims, their mother Ameera worked closer towards fulfilling the generational requirements, and Gabriel went about simply...being himself.
Ameera: For the love of God, Gabriel, no. Pawns can't pistol-whip other pawns.
Gabriel: I thought we were playing hardcore chess!
Meanwhile Vera, apparently, likes to dance and/or do gymnastics.
Oh no, she lost enthusiasm in a hobby she doesn't even care about. Whatever shall we do?
And here's Bill, apparently posing for an oil painting.
Vera kept spinning up wants for money and jobs, so I enlisted her in the Military career, because it paid best among the three jobs in the paper. Vera's LTW is to earn $100,000 and it's never too early to start, right?
These two guys followed Vera and Bill home from school and promptly ignored them both and played video games with each other. Nice.
Hmm. I don't see Vera as an underhanded person, so let's go with video surveillance.
Yay! I'm so good at chance cards, you guys.
Bill: Woah, look at the graphics! They're so awesome and realistic! I'm gonna play this game all night long! Haha, bend to my will, pixel-people!
gpoy I mean what.
So I exited the lot while Ameera was in the zone, and when I came back she was glowing green like she was radioactive. Maybe she'll get spider powers?
Vera: Thanks for coming over, I really like hanging out with--
Ameera how do you still suck at this hobby!?
Gabriel: Aww yeah, my wife is smokin' hot!
Stop being Edward Cullen, Gabriel.
Bill: I get to make my bed?! HUZZAH!
No one in this family can start their days without making the bed first.
YES! Ameera's earned her gold badge! That's another point for me and a nice platinum mood for Ameera.
Bill's preferred hobby is games, and he kept wanting to win a gaming competition and stuff like that. So I sent him off to Games of Glory for a little time away from the family and a bit more time with one of our potential heirs.
GABRIEL. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? You're not even a member of Games of Glory, nor is your predestined hobby games! I honestly can't find any reason for Gabriel to be present here.
Gabriel: *strikes a pose*
Games Guy: Hey, Bill, do you know this guy?
Bill: NO. NOT AT ALL. deargoddadstopmakingthatpose
So not only does he randomly show up at this hobby lot for no discernible reason, but he waltzes in and plays billiards like he belongs here. I swear to God, Gabriel is the source for pretty much all the hilarity in this freaking challenge.
Gabriel: Damn, that exterminator lady's ugly! I sure am glad I married my flowery and pretty wife.
Gabriel: Yeah, totally not as pretty as my wife.
Exterminator Lady: You don't even go to this hobby lot!
I've needed an icon of Gabriel playing billiards since like, yesterday. *scurries off* Wait I need to finish this update first.
Oh, yeah, and Gabriel freaking won his game. At a hobby lot he does not belong at with approximately like, two things of hobby enthusiasm.
Gabriel: Take that, losers!
Games Guy: But...but...you're not even allowed at this hobby lot!
I definitely should have seen this coming. Looks like Gabriel's made an enemy.
Well, like father, like son, I guess. After this Bill headed home and neither he or Gabriel ever spoke of this again.
I really love the "talk to" interaction. It's like instant-thriving-state for these plants. Everything Ameera harvests is mouth-watering nowadays!
And this photo exists merely to prove that Ameera has cultivated a garden containing each type of plant. Three orchard trees and six plots, each with a different crop. Tomatoes, peppers, pole beans, strawberries, cucumbers, and eggplant.
Apparently Vera just got +3000 for becoming victim to the magical bubble-expulsion glitch.
Okay, I lied. She just became an overachiever by maxing the teen military career.
Vera. The entire point of your generation is that you don't like planting seeds. Cut that out.
Vera: Wait a second, the square root of 144 isn't bubbles...
I honestly want this glitch to become a part of her. It can't ever go away.
And Vera falls asleep with visions of soap bubbles dancing in her head. Unfortunately the next time I loaded up the game, the bubbles were gone. I was very upset.
I was playing my game and my mom happened to be looking over my shoulder as I was taking this picture, leading to following exchange.
My mom: What's he doing?
Me: Looking at the rain.
My mom: *odd look*
Me: Yeah, except there's no window there.
My mom: *after a moment of consideration* He's an idiot.
Me: Pretty much.
In conclusion, Gabriel totally got pwnd by my mom, you guys.
Yeah, that's what I thought. No pregnancy here, no siree.
Gabriel: Woah, Vera, you totally suck at this game!
Gabriel: Wait, Bill, where are you going? I don't wanna play by myself!
Bill: It's like midnight, Dad.
Gabriel: ...so what?
Despite Bill's rather un-gamer-like adherence to curfews, he maxes out his games enthusiasm quickly. Yay!
Just give the kid his plaque, dude. You don't have to hover over him like a creeper.
Up on the wall in the hobby room it goes! A sign of changes soon to come, perhaps?
I have meanwhile discovered a new means of keeping Gabriel out of the way: meditation. How do you feel?
I guess meditation isn't as relaxing as everyone says.
But quickly, he's off to work.
Imagine Gabriel was your doctor. Like, you paid him cash money to keep your body healthy and keep yourself from not dying. And meanwhile he shoves his hands through car doors and looks at rain through walls.
Looks like Bill's made a friend. This is Allyn. She's kind of cute, although that whole brown hair/brown eyes combo isn't exactly ideal. Guess I could give her a recessive eye gene in SimPE if they get attached...
Ugh that sundress is absolutely horrid. They've got two bolts, but I want one of them to initiate the flirting, dammit. I don't like forcing romances in my non-plotty endeavors.
Walk-by: Young love, hell yeah! *finger gun*
Pillow-fighting: Clearly the way to a girl's heart. Although she looks rather serious about it. Better watch your back, Bill.
Okay, so do something about it! Maybe she's not even worth the trouble. *sulk*
Oh, man, she's a finger-gunner too. That's just so nice and familiar to me. Ugh why I can't I resist your charms, Allyn?
Allyn: Beats me! *finger gun*
But I get +2 for the next generation if the heir marries a co-worker...
Well, then, I guess that's settled. Fine, you two can have each other, go to town.
Ameera just maxed out her logic skill. Because I felt like it, that's why.
Haha, look at that little memory doodad. Gabriel making a significant amount of money? I laugh at the thought.
Gabriel: *pout*
Let's look at your memories then, shall we?
asjkhgfhjgftdxfcgh WHAT.
Oh yeah, he got that $75000 bonus two chapters ago. Even so, he just totally achieved Vera's LTW before she did. Nice.
Anyway, Gabriel brought a nice elderly co-worker home today, and he went to network quickly. I anticipated a shiny new TV.
Oh, I see your game, old man! Yeah, I bet you "know a person" who would "hit it off" with Gabriel! Well, too bad, he's married.
Gabriel: Hey look, there's my wife! She glows when she tends plants. Isn't she pretty? I love her so much.
Old Man: There's plenty of fish in the sea, man. And I don't think you'd want Gabriel, anyway. He's kind of a dunce.
Vera has morphed into one of those Fortune Sims who turn to creativity to earn money, and I do think she rather enjoys it.
I know I make fun of Gabriel a lot and swear to smite him and all sorts of stuff. But honestly, it's times like this that I realize that I regret nothing.
Ameera wanted to make juice, so look, eggplant juice! The only worthwhile beverage, clearly.
I wonder if one can make eggplant juice in real life...?
I will kill him I swear oh my god he had better start digging the hole holy shit why can't be prepare food for his stupid ass he's almost an elder holy hell
Vera brought Allyn home from school, so this happened. Aww, cuteness.
Hey, Bill. In case you were wondering, that is decidedly not the proper way to treat a lady. Cut that out right now.
Well, would you look at that? It's the last crop in the garden, ready for harvest. With this, the first generation ends. A change is in the air, you see.
Before we get to our heir poll, let's tally up our points for the generation. (I'm only going to be listing the requirements and objectives I fulfilled.)
-Get a gold gardening badge (+1)
-Have a garden containing each type of plant (+1)
-Get married (+1)
-Have a boy & a girl (+1)
-Generation completion (+1)
-Max the nature hobby (+2)
-Interior design to match the generation's theme (+5)
Point Total for Generation One: 12
And on to our heir poll! We have two lovely candidates.
First up is Bill, the elder child. He's a Fortune Sim, and his LTW is to become a world-class ballet dancer. He's a Sagittarius, 9/2/9/10/1, and games is his predestined hobby. He's got a girlfriend, Allyn Lastnamehere, who is potentially a barrel of laughs.
Then we have Vera, also a Fortune Sim, with a lifelong dream of earning $100,000. She's a Cancer, 9/2/9/5/9. Her predestined hobby is tinkering, but she leans more towards Arts & Crafts and other creative endeavors. She doesn't have a boyfriend, but her turn-ons are black hair and charisma, while her turn-off is creativity. (That's weird, considering she's creative herself.)
Both kids are pretty smart and have their wits about them. But who will carry on the family tradition by ridiculously altering the family tradition? You decide!
Poll Happy voting! Hope you enjoyed the first gen!