DITFT: My founders are dumb.

Feb 16, 2011 22:16

Hi, everyone! I mentioned in a previous post that I was doing a DITFT challenge. DITFT stands for "Difference in the Family Tree," and the challenge chronicles sixteen very diverse generations. It's kind of like a Legacy, except with objectives and slightly altered rules. I was bored one evening, the DITFT challenge had been calling to me, so I decided to do it. Originally it's a Sims 3 challenge, but Heather converted it for TS2 and plays her own unpublished one. I thought it would be fun, and so we have my DITFT, The Apple Falls Far from the Tree. Enjoy!

Ameera Talbot had once been a reasonably well-known model. She participated in photoshoots and the like until her agency dropped her from their good graces. So she retired to Belladonna Cove, content with the promise of a peaceful, quiet life out of the limelight.
But unfortunately, I needed a founder.

So Ameera lost it all; her skill points, the few days she had aged, her nice house, her constantly platinum plumbob. Someone else moved in, leaving her with the typical 20k any CAS founder would have. But now she gets to have babies and do a lot of farming!
Anyway, Ameera's a Knowledge Sim with a lifetime want of becoming a Mayor (not gonna happen until she fulfills this generation's objectives).

She's a very neat Virgo, and, hate to break it to you, but there aren't any other PlantSims in Belladonna Cove. At least someone neat can max out the Nature hobby simultaneously and potentially get me a point.
Oh, yes, I keep babbling about points and objectives, but we don't yet know what Ameera's is! Each generation has a theme that correlates to their objectives, which must be fulfilled by the heir; or founder, as it were. Whoever invented the challenge even went to the trouble of writing cute little paragraphs for each generation.

"Your family was always into the farming deal. They spent their days working hard and asked for their children to do the same. So when you turned 18, your parents surprised you with your own plot of land to continue on tradition. And having always been one to want to impress the folks. You begin creating your own small garden, dedicating your time to that rather then dealing with a dreadful 9-to-5 suit and tie job."
Oh, yes. Welcome to the Garden of Talbot! It's so fitting that Ameera has PlantSim skin. Anyway, here are this generation's objectives:

- Get a gold gardening (or flower arranging) skill badge if you have the required EPs. (Seasons for gardening, OFB for flower arranging)
- Have a garden containing each type of plant/Make every type of flower arrangement
- Get married, no premarital woohoo
- Have a boy & a girl

So I'm opting for gardening and planting, because I've had Seasons for ages and never managed to do much with gardens. And here are the optional objectives, for an additional one point each!

- Catch every type of fish (No.)
- Max the nature hobby (Should be easy enough.)
- Marry a sim whose predestined hobby is nature, or marry a gardener (Let's see.)

And here's Ameera's humble abode which has seriously depleted her funds. It's decorated to suit the generation, so I can get +5. (Wow, look at me actually caring about points.) And that little plot of land is the beginning of our objective-fulfillment!
I know the rules don't say Ameera can't have a job, I feel that getting a typical nine-to-fiver would be going against the spirit of this generation, so Ameera is going to be really poor for a really long time.

I figure maxing out Ameera's Nature enthusiasm will be easy enough, with all the gardening she'll be doing. So it's bug-hunting time!
Oh, Ameera is also my third consecutive brunette female founder. *headdesk*

Look, Ameera, it's Mr. Humble, here to give us FREE MONEY! Yay, I love FreeTime.

...bye now.

Some of these bugs have funny names. I think I only took this screencap because I like the play Pygmalion. I get the joke, EA! Because Eliza had a ~transformation~ just like caterpillars turn into pretty butterflies! Or something.


Yes, this is me attempting to cancel the interaction "Be Chased by Bees." I totally think it helped, though.


Anyway, the welcome wagon showed up. Look, Ameera! Marriageable neighbors! She scoped the room and found the second of the Outfit Twins over there attractive, and I was excited.

But then he tried to flirt with her and she was having none of it, so I decided an outing was necessary. They only had one bolt anyway.

She played some chess, someone else joined her and she made friends, but there were no spouse options in sight.

Oh. Hello, Gabriel.
See, in Ameera's past life, I was attempting to find her a spouse, but the only person she had any attraction to was Gabriel Green here. But I hesitated and didn't pursue anything besides friendship for them. I know he's a playable, but do DITFT rules prohibit that? No?
But that means brunette brown-eyed babies without any variety whatsoever...

But he's kind of sweet. I guess. Maybe.
Yeah, I'm lying to myself. I like the idea of them together.
Ameera went and said hello, but nothing happened and everyone went home. Ameera tended her plants and went to bed, and then morning rolled around.

But look who paid Ameera a random visit! At this point, Gabriel's prospects as co-founder were looking good.

Nothing unusual, Gabriel's just casually kissing my founder

This isn't even ACR! This is just free will going on right now!

Then this guy walked by, and I'm pretty sure he's the most fashionable son of a bitch in the whole Cove. Seriously, someone put him on a billboard. I will be so heartbroken if I never see this townie again.

Gabriel moves in as he and Ameera become best friends.
Townie: Oh, you crazy kids! To be young and in love, hell yeah! *finger gun*
I get way too many walkbys in my game. They are getting uncomfortably familiar.

DAMMIT, GABRIEL. I was gonna build a second bathroom with whatever you brought into the household, which is apparently diddly-squat.

Anyway, here he is, Gabriel Green, soon to be Talbot. Brings in no money, has a low-level job, but is sweet and therefore gets to live.

Gabriel is also a Knowledge Sim, but I will be fulfilling his LTW. Currently he's in the Slacker career, where he will remain until Medicine comes up in the paper. (Too poor for a computer, you see.)

Dude. How are you a Scorpio? You're way too nice to be a Scorpio.
Both he and Ameera are pretty nice and somewhat neat. I'm used to really mean Sims; maybe this Legacy I'll finally have a nice, sweet personality gene from the beginning!

Gabriel: Honey? Are you alright?
Scratch that. They'll be nice, but I get the feeling they'll be kind of...dim.

The Knowledge Sim couple at rest in their natural environment.
Oh, yeah, did I mention Gabriel has precious few skill points? Well, he does.

Well, there go my chances of getting +1 for marrying a Sim with the Nature hobby.

Maybe he should turn off the machine beforehand? The hell kind of chance card is this?


But this happened! Yay, engagement time.

He said yes, of course.

A living room marriage occurred, and Gabriel Green became Gabriel Talbot. There was much rejoicing.

Ameera does everything over at casa del Talbot. Gabriel brings home his meager paycheck from his Slacker job, because Medicine absolutely refuses to make itself present. But in the meanwhile, Ameera cleans and fixes and makes dinner and tends her garden and works on building her Nature enthusiasm. It's tough being a founder.

Gabriel, why the hell are you getting so many chance cards? Chill out, dude.
*randomly points at screen*


I think Ameera is actually trying too hard. Hit the showers, girl.

Then this happened! Conception on the first try, hell yeah!

It's our first harvest! But I'm terrible at raising crops, so these tomatoes are probably tainted with arsenic for no reason. (Also, we got a ladybug house! Yay.)


So now we get sparkly salads. Go, Ameera! She still has no badges to show for her efforts, but good things come to those who wait, after all.


Townie: *observes the chaos quietly*

Generation Two is well on its way!

Gabriel. I think you are a little late there, buddy.

What the hell, who desecrated our front lawn?

I love conflicting pregnancy morphs, you guys. *seethes*

This popped up and then I brought up my internet browser for a second, and when I came back it was gone. So.

Anyway! This is a maternity outfit, and Ameera looks adorable.

The garden got expanded to an orchard tree, so Ameera can earn her badge faster.

I liked this picture so much that I made it the cover. Ameera went on a hike, and nothing of note occurred.



Wow, that was literally one second after Gabriel hung up the phone. I'm impressed, Belladonna Cove.

Yay, he saved the stove! And Ameera just slept through the whole thing, which I suppose is a good thing.

*headdesk* You are going to eat it, and you are going to like it, mister! Oy, is it only the first generation?

Next time, a baby will be born, and hopefully he or she will be just a tad smarter than Ameera and Gabriel. Just a little bit. Maybe Ameera will fulfill an objective. I don't know, dude.


you are a dumbass, ameera, ditft, gabriel, fun times, random

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