Oct 18, 2004 21:00
Junebug56781 [8:59 PM]: go to Oxford...that's in England..and u know what's in england right?
Speedysweety68 [9:00 PM]: ENGLISH BOYS!
Speedysweety68 [9:00 PM]: aka harry potter!
Speedysweety68 [9:00 PM]: /ron/his brothers
Junebug56781 [9:00 PM]: with english accents which like the guitar boosts their appeal like a gazillion points!
I was saying that to my cousin in california :)
Okay so college fair tommorrow!...oh boy i'm excited even tho like no good collegs are going...And i also have Math TEST...and parent conferences are at night..so i have to do good on it
I forgot my Chem note book so i can't do the lab that's due tommorrow now..so i guess i have time...:) good for u, bad for me
We did pride wall afterschool...lol, we had to call mr. lunn at his house to get permission to use the ladder...but the ladder didn't reach so we used a table and put a chair on top of that and stood on that...O mna i was scared!
Today at dance we tried danceing to this song we did 2 or 3 years ago!...that was great..i was surprised at how much we knew *sarcastic* but we did pretty good with the songs that we had last year....nebody have a good idea for a ballet song? or jazz??...can't wait,,,i love dance class!
kk i'm going to go to bed early, so i won't look awfully tired for the college ppl...
Keep Smiling