Jun 17, 2005 12:19
Had tons of fun in Atlanta... or "Hotlanta" if you will. I have a crap-load of pics to show and some stories to tell, but you will have to wait.
I'm leaving at 3pm on the dot for the airport today. BOSTON, HERE I COME! I've never been before, so yeah I'm excited. No worries folks, I will be back one week for now. So we HAVE to do something on the 25th, cuz that is my one full day here before I leave again for NC.
My birthday dinner at Olive Garden went by very well last night. Good people, good food, good service, and good presents! Special thanks to Summer and Sarah for the "Birthday Girl" tiarra. lol. It's gaudy and girly, but I love it! I also wanna thank you both for saving me the other night. Dunno what I'd do without you guys. I'm gonna miss my girls! (Kendra too... but she doesn't read this lol)
I'm off to finish packing!