Yesterday was election day here in Mexico. Unsuprisingly, there still has not been an official count of the votes. Current statistics have PAN Candidate (Right Wing Havard Educated) Felipe Calderon with 36.38%, PRD Candidate, Mexico City Mayor (Left Wing, UNAM Educated) Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador with 35.34%, and PRI Candidate, Roberto Madrazo with 21.57%. Supposedly the final result will be in on Wednesday...typical Mexicans, waiting to the last minute! Looks like it's going to be a close call between the ultra left and ultra right until the last minute..
Really, trying not to be judgemental the voting system here is supposedly designed against corruption, with photo identification of each voter. Just wondering what's taking so long! Whatever the result may be, I hope it is the best for Mexico's future! If interested in checking the stats go to the webpage below: