Jul 02, 2007 21:38
The Chinese auction was very entertaining. Since Garett wasn't showing the animals he went out of his way to perform during it. As others have said he made a big show out of reading the numbers and then checking them with each winner. With one winner he reached into the bag and handed her the item she won, then he asked "you want the rocks?" - those were the rocks that were put in each bag so they wouldn't blow away. When each person won he would say, "yeah okay....let me check this out" - and he would often use a deeper voice or have a skeptical look on his face. One lady clearly had the winning number and Garett looked at it and announced "Nope!" and started to walk away. The audience was howling at his antics. One lady won more than one item and he proclaimed "she can't win again" - someone shouted mix them up and he replied "I spun them up" - one young boy won two leather pouches and he told him, "you've got two pouches man, awesome!" - with most winners he would pretend they were trying to put something over on him so he turned to one lady and said "I'm watching you" - another lady won more than one item and he told her "if you win again, hand your ticket to the lady standing next to you, okay" - when it came time to pick the winner of the CPAC DVD Rae was standing next to him and wanted it so she told him he better pick her number. Garett shook his said and pointed to his right saying "I feel something on this side." It turned out to be my roomie Sally. Way to go Sally!
When he presented it to her he read the cover "CPAC Documentary" he asked what it was then asked "am I on it?"
When they auctioned off a gift certificate to Sweet Surprise, where they got last years candy basket Garett asked, "is that like an adult shop?"
One lady had so many raffle coupons we actually had to wait a few moments while she went through all of them. Garett made fun of things saying " this is really going well" with a sarcastic tone of voice and when the table was still filled with bags he announced loudly "there's only 80 more to go!"
Rae was writing down the names of the winners, and as she asked for last names Garett could be heard mumbling behind her "address, date of birth, credit card number....mother's name...."
Another time he read the numbers on a ticket wrong and there were two winners. He shrugged it off reminding us all "I'm slysdexic" - when he read the next number he asked the crowd "anyone else got that same ticket??"
A couple of newlyweds won, I believe, and when they told him they were just married he congratulated them.
When he auctioned off a Jim/Blair picture Garett described it as "he's about to smell something.....and I'm about to ask him about it"
A lady sitting next to me won something and got so excited when she jumped up, she dropped her camera right into my tote bag. It's a good thing my bag was there. We were all laughing, caught up in the humor of the moment.
For most of the winners, he congratulated them saying "well played" or "well done"
I was hoping to win a quilted tote bag donated by Janet but alas it went to Chriselora from Scotland. I met Chris and if I couldn't win it at least I know it went to a good home.*g* I did actually win a Sentinel pillow with a picture of Jim and Blair on it and when Garett called my number I was so shocked I jumped up and shouted "Bingo" - Garett presenting me with the pillow was a total blur and then the next I knew I was spelling my last name for Rae.
A Stargate DVD was auctioned off and when Garett sounded confused by the offing someone shouted "it's a different show" - Garett shouted back with a wave of his hand and a sarcastic voice "I know what it is"
At one point he was just doubled over laughing as he continually cracked himself up. Another time, he threw his head back and laughed his high pitched fake laugh. I love when he does it. He did it at Cascade Con when Danny was explaining the humor behind the 8-ball caps made for the cast and crew.
When someone won a pair of spirit animals, he used a high pitched voice as he delivered them to the winner "awwwwwww....they're so cute" - he said "treat them well" as he walked away. Another set of spirit animals went next and Garett announced "these are not as good as those, not even close" - he pretended he was going to throw them to the winner but he walked them over. Someone shouted to him that they could fly and he told them "they don't fly"
something about sewing wings on them, and he replied "yeah, sew some wings, that'll work" rolling eyes.
One of the last items was a t-shirt, signed by Garett. I think it was added at the last minute. My roomie Sally won that also and when asked what it was, Garett told everyone a t-shirt "apparently I signed it" - when he went to check her number, he lost his half of the ticket but he told her "I trust you"
When it was finished he stood at the table with his hand on his hip waving everyone away. "It's over - go now - no seriously - I'm not kidding - it's over - seriously go"
After the auction there was a break in the activities for lunch. A company called "Kujo" was selling different quiches with salad in the picnic area. In 2005 when I went, Garett disappeared during the lunch break and returned some time later, this time he joined the fans on line, waiting for his lunch. He ordered the Quiche Lorraine and when a fan suggested spinach quiche he said "I had spinach for dinner last night, don't want to be Popeye" - he took his lunch to one of the tables and sat down by himself. Two ladies were sitting at the opposite end of the table but there was a whole lot of empty space. Two intrepid ladies, Maaaa and Snycock I believe asked if he wanted to be alone or if he wouldn't mind some company. I think his response was "oh, no, please sit" - by the time I sat down Garett was finished eating and went off to walk around.
After lunch we went to a table where a photographer was making buttons and magnets of pictures he took from the morning animal auction. They were the pictures of the winning bidders with Garett and their animals. I found one of me and Garett that I liked, and one of Garett alone that I bought. He was having a problem with his camera off and on so he didn't have every shot but he had a nice selection of photos. I don't know if it was done last year but it was a nice addition and another chance if you missed getting your picture taken with Garett.
It was now time for the autograph line.
To be continued......