1. My health - My uncle's Cancer has him hospitalized, other family members and friends aren't well, my Grandmother's dementia has drained the color and fullness from her life. I am so blessed to be so healthy.
2. My husband - I am so thankful for Carlos. He made a big change in his life this year to make things better for us as a family. I am grateful every day for his love.
3. My daughter - Grace is the light of our lives. How happy she makes us! I can't even begin to express how we love her. I can't imagine life without her.
4. My family - My mom is loving and caring and wonderful. My sister is funny and smart and kind. My brother is goofy and sweet and considerate. My grandparents are love personified. I won't go into each and every family member's good points and what they mean to me...today. :)
5. My career - Despite all the complaining you'll hear me do, know that there is great love for what I do. I love kids. I love teaching them.
6. My car - This may seem petty...but I don't mean that I love its performance, its beauty, or how it makes me look. I am so happy to HAVE a car that runs. I'm very thankful I got it when I did.
7. My friends - Aah, my chosen family. :) Thank you all so much for being so fun, so accepting, and so loving of my little family. You make my life more brilliant.
8. The Intarweb. - Yes, I could live without it. It has brought me great things, however, including my husband, my friends, my car, shoes for my child, answers about parenting, you name it. I don't take it for granted. I appreciate all that it is and holds and does.
Okay. That'll do for today.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!