Dec 17, 2006 12:43
I'm procrastinating again but not so stressed out :). Yeah! I'm working on my presentation and paper, I have found some really interesting things and an organization which throws some AMAZING events in Toronto, for example, LED light graffitti and relighting the night sky which has been hampered by smog and light pollution. They also have street car and subway parties, huge pillow fights in the middle of Toronto, Bubble parties and capture the flag all going crazy throughout the city. I am sooooooo totally going to their next event, whatever it is. And the two organizers are only 19! They so totally rock!!! And Brian, you should check them out, they might have some good ideas for events in Halifax. Last night I went to Toronto and the film festival was even better the second time around, I loved it. Everybody had some really amazing movies and Mel and I got some excellent reviews of "Gentsoloya"! It's sad saying goodbye to everybody for the holidays. Stacey went to Cuba with David. Mike is gone back to Manitoba. Shannon is in Ottawa. Niki and Jackie are gone. I'm going to miss them until January but I'm just as excited to leave Peterborough. Alex and I studied from 1am until 5am the other night. It was crazy and we are going for lunch at Azmabeek's Bakery on Wednesday. Today I am working on my paper plus childcare plus crafts. I wanted to let you all know that I am feeling alot better lately as far as fitting in finally. Some of my opinions have changed and some of them have stayed the same but I really love the people here and I'm starting to realize that they love me too even if I have a different opinion. It really pretty much rocks and I need to get over my social anxieties.