1. Baby Name and Age: River 15 months (and a half almost)
2. Weight/length/clothing: We have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday, but right now I’m not sure on her numbers. She’s wearing 12 month pants mostly because she has a little waist (although she kind of looks like she’s wearing flood pants since she’s tall lol). 18 month shirts and 24 month footie pajamas. She also just got new shoes and is now wearing a 5 in shoes.
3. Food: She does well with eating for the most part. We’re working on getting her to use a spoon- she can’t pick up food with it but she’ll get it to her mouth. It’s cute because she’ll put a couple beans (or whatever) on her spoon with her fingers then use the spoon to eat it. She was off broccoli and a lot of veggies for a while, but now likes eating them with a little dip (hummus or guacamole or salad dressing) on them.
4. Sleep habits: Ugh, awful. The past couple months have been really bad for sleep. It’s gotten better the past week but still isn’t great. She wakes up every 2-3 hours and sometimes has a hard time getting back to sleep. I think she’s having nightmares maybe, because I’ve watched her and she’ll get back to sleep and will be asleep, but then will start crying (while still asleep) and wake herself up.
5. Likes and dislikes: “Running” everywhere, going down slides by herself (it’s really cute- she pushes herself off to go down, maybe other babies do this too, I don’t know, but it’s adorable), “drawing” on her magnadoodle (a great investment by the way), flipping the pages of books, ducks- she’s crazy for ducks, airplaines.
6. Milestones: She’s great with gross motor skills- walking backwards and forwards, she even walks around on her tip toes because she’s crazy. Throwing and kicking balls, etc. Fine motor skills are good. She has really good receptive language skills- she knows lots of words and animals and will bring them to me when I ask (we have wooden animal magnets that she plays with all the time), though her expressive language skills are not great. She only really says mama, dada (gaga) and duck (guck). She tries to say “Roomba” as well. She uses sign language, but I can’t get her to talk. I’m not very worried about it, but we’ll see what her pediatrician says on Tuesday.
7. What's driving you crazy, if anything: Just the whole sleep thing. Some days there’s a lot of pointing and whining, but it doesn’t really bother me- it kind of makes my husband crazy though.
8. What's making you smile: She’s just so hilarious. Sometimes she’ll have imaginary food that she’ll give us to eat, and she’ll come up and hug and kiss us (which are newer, awesome developments).
9. How are you doing in general: Good. Tired, but good lol.
10. Are your health concerns going well: I think so.
11. Anything else not covered in the above: I recently joined a mom’s group off meetup.com. I haven’t done much with them yet, but I have several dates coming up in the next few weeks. I’m hoping it’ll help me to get other moms since I kind of feel like we’ve been hermits since River was born. We’ll see how it goes since River is still too small to do a lot and I have to be with her all the time at a playground or whatever. It’ll be nice next summer when she can do more without help and will be big enough to do more.
Now for the pics!
she loves putting on her hats by herself (so they just balance on top of her head) lol:
The bad parenting shot (laying on the ground in front of the tv watching Yo Gabba Gabba):
River going down the slide:
A hilarious video of River and her dad playing with her duck puppet:
Click to view
x posted to my own journal