Auto-immune disorders

Feb 04, 2012 22:16

I have rarely been on LJ in the past couple of years, but I thought I'd hop in a check on all of the kiddos here.

On December 5th, 2011 Molly was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes (AKA type 1 diabetes). I have one uncle who got type 1 when he was 9 and apparently that is about all of the family history you need, there is no one with type 1 on my DH's side. She had been lethargic and very thirsty (like 1/2 a cup of water every ten minutes or else she would just be miserable) and peeing just as much and just not acting like herself. We caught it very early, her blood sugar at the pediatrician's office was 317. Luckily, she was not in diabetic ketoacidosis yet, and she did not have to be hospitalized. She is now insulin dependent and gets 4-5 shots of insulin a day and checks her blood sugar between 5-10 times a day.

We have, of course, had a crash course in diabetes management, as type 2, that we all know about because it's so common, is very different from type 1. She was very scared that first day because she does not like needles, what 5 year old does? But she has adjusted beautifully and for the most part she takes everything in stride. She can test her own blood sugar already and she loves the independence she is slowly gaining.

We will be looking at going on a insulin pump over the summer.

Anyway, I just wanted to share and see if anyone else had any kiddos that had any health problems.
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