Jan 31, 2009 01:07
Life just slips by me weeks at a time. Where does all the time go? January of 2009 is about over. I think tonight was the first Friday this month that we actually stayed in by ourselves and didn't do anything. Well, we did go out for Mexican for dinner, but we got home pretty early.
So, been doing lots of fun stuff. Fox holiday party was fun, surprisingly. It was in our ballrooms and that was pretty neat. Finally got to tour Joe Patten's apartment, really really cool. So our theatre was originally built in the late 20s and sometime in the 70s, BellSouth was constructing an office building behind us and wanted to buy our building to tear down to make a parking garage. Joe Patten worked as an electrician at the Fox at the time, and was instrumental in helping to save our building and for it to become a historic landmark. A non-profit organization was formed to manage and operate the theare, and the board gave Joe Patten an apartment that is inside the theatre to live. He gets to live there, rent-free, for the rest of his life. He is now 90 years old and of course retired. But everyday, we see Joe in the halls, when he comes down to get his mail. The theatre was originally built by the Shriners to be their headquarters. But they ran out of money, and film mogul William Fox bought the building and turned it into a movie palace. Joe's apartment was originally going to be the Shriners' offices. It's truly amazing inside, and I love the history of our building.
Last Saturday, Johnny and I went to Helen and stayed at a bed and breakfast. Our first bed & breakfast experience. It was kind of an impromptu trip, since I had the weekend off. Since it is low season right now, there were no other guests at the house. So the owner gave us a free upgrade to the suite. It was really nice, too bad we didn't have more time there. On Sunday, we had a delicious breakfast and went hiking at Anna Ruby Falls. The hike wasn't even a mile, but to the Falls was mostly uphill, so it felt longer. Then we walked around town a little and had lunch. Helen is only a little more than an hour away, so we got home pretty early. Sunday night was New Year's Eve for Chinese New Year. It's tradition to eat dinner wtih family, so we had dinner at Dad's. We had hot pot, which I love, and I always eat too much.
Really didn't want to go to work this Monday, especially because it was CNY. But had to, and work has been absolutely crazy busy this week. Just as I was sighing a breath of relief for Friday, then got a bombshell of a news today. Our department Director called us into her office this morning, and told us that our Sales Manager, who's been on maternity leave has resigned her position and is not coming back to work. Our Director, Jennifer, is also about to go on maternity leave herself. The manager, Melanie, was supposed to come back to work in a week. She has resigned and is moving to Cincinnati, where her husband's family lives. The news was shocking, to say the least, since we were all anticipating her return. Certainly, it was bad timing, what with Jennfier's impending maternity leave. But mostly we were just disappointed. She resigned over email to our Director and the GM. Now, she and the rest of my department have worked together for like 10 years. I'm the newbie since I've only been here 2 years. But everyone gets along great. We are more than just coworkers to one another. Or at least I feel that way. My Director is very upset by the way Melanie resigned. She felt the professional and decent thing to do would have been to at least call her and talk to her. It doesn't really surprise me that Mel is not coming back to work. I understand that when you have kids, your priorities change. I get that. And I do believe the family should come before work. She and her husband have no family here in Atlanta, so I'm really not surprised by her decision. I'm happy for her and will really miss her. But we are all disappointed by how she handled this. I'm shocked that she is not even coming back to work to tie up loose ends. I've been bummed about this piece of news all day. Ultimately, it's because it's sad that she's leaving and we'll miss her. But right now that is masked by this disappointment. I guess we kind of feel like she let us down. I guess she's certain she will not come back to Atlanta, because she definitely burned the bridge with my bosss. What a day...
Some people come into your life, some leave it suddenly. I guess that's life.