(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 11:51

 I feel so blah today... I'm not really in a bad mood or anything.  Just feel blah.  Bland, tasteless, tired.  Unmotivated.  It's been a busy couple of months.  Now we're coming off it and I'm just not feeling motivated.  Plus, I hope I'm not getting sick.  My throat is hurting a little bit.  Plus, my shoulder/neck has been bothering me.  It's always stiff or tense, and never feels comfortable.  Maybe it's occupational hazard, from sitting in front of the computer all day.  Maybe I need to change my pillow.

When I'm not with Johnny, I always feel like I have a lot to tell him, like the little things I think of or see.  But sometimes when I am with him, I forget what I want to tell him, and I feel like I don't know what to talk about.  It doesn't bother me really.  I'm not the kind of person that gets bothered by silences.  Sometimes they are necessary.  But just lately I feel like I need to tell him stuff, but when I see him, I can't remember.  I feel like my memory is not that good lately.  I forget little things that I normally wouldn't.  Age??  Maybe I need to start taking that gingko stuff, or whatever it is that helps your memory.

Gotta work all weekend.  At least I'm off tonight.  I've totally been slacking about the gym.  But when I'm not working at the mall, I either want to rest, or there's always tons of errands to run, laundry to do, etc.  Time is a commodity which I don't have.

Now I'm hungry.  And I don't know what to do for lunch. 
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