Rough Translation of HnA Sakuraiba

Mar 30, 2012 22:54

Requested by maricha74

Q1 (from the bass player in the band): I want to become cool. What am I lacking?

Sho: You are cool. To be honest, I don't know what you're lacking. However, when you show a side of you that you don't normally show, there are moments when that makes your heart skip a beat. For Taro-kun, it's the bass isn't it? When you play the bass....... It's not what you lack but what you have now, like talent or brains. If you continue to strengthen those, I think you'll become cool. But you are cool [already]!

Q2: Arashi's close relationship can be seen on TV. What is the secret behind your close relationship?

Sho: I'm not really sure about your generation, your club activities or classmates, they have an influence on the answer [to your question]. I think it's about the level of restraint and tolerance. I think it is non sense to suddenly become mad or irritated or fight. You should tolerate it for one time. If you are always holding back you can't say what is "wrong/ bad" about the other person. You should express the things that you can express...... (the part after that is lost on me. darn you  kanji expressions!!!)

Aiba: That is definitely true. The times that we were together are very long, even longer than with family. Like you guys, we were together since the second year of middle school. We danced together as Johnny's Jrs. from there we have a bond that continues to grow

Q3: What's the secret behind Sho's coolness?

Sho: I haven't really thought 'I'm cool today" but for me, and it might be same for the other members of Arashi, it's our job to be cool. We also show sides that aren't cool. It's important to expose our bad or embarassing sides as well. What does Aiba, who is always cool, think?

Aiba: One a minute, not even once have I ever thought that [I was cool]

Sho: ok then what is the source of your engery?

Aiba: hmm, what is it? I think, more than It's fun so I'm laughing, it's if I'm laughing then it will be fun. If you think it's fun it's going to be fun. Everyone please laugh a lot!

Q4: You've been doing Arashi since you were young, were there times when you thought about quitting?

Sho: I became Arashi  in the summer of my third year of high school. I entered Johnny's when I was in my second year of middle school but i didn't think that I would always continue down this road. I thought that I will quit when I enter university. So I thought of quitting in March of my third year in high school. But the summer before, July- August it was decided that I was going to be in Arashi. To be honest, I didn't think about choosing this as a profession when I was a student. I became wrapped up it in. After Arashi was created, we had a concert in the year 2000 between the [school ] break of March and April. It was the first time we saw the people who have been supporting us. An amazing amount of people were gathered. We [Arashi] decided that this was fate. I didn't think that I would quit. Strictly speaking, I never once thought that I would quit after I became Arashi. I did think about quitting before I was Arashi but after I became Arashi I lost the thoughts about quiting.

Q5: This time you are acting as a teacher, was there a teacher in your middle school or high school years that you thought " I was glad to have this teacher." Was there a teacher who left an impression on you?

Sho: I'm sort of overwhelmed by your question. I've been blessed with teachers. Even now I keep in touch with my elementary  homeroom teacher. This time, when I was preparing for the role, I contacted this teacher. Also, my third year middle school homeroom teacher was a wonderful person. I entered this line of work when I was in my second year of middle school and no matter how much I studied I couldn't keep up [with school work].  Of  course my gardes and things that were relative dropped. It wasn't official [ie  not approved by school administratives] [this teacher] would pull time out and tutor me [lit. have a class by myself]. My teacher made time for me, In the school I was in you could repeat the year. [Thanks to this teacher] I didn't repeat the year and I was able to graduate. The words of  my homeroom teacher in my first year of high school left a deep impression on me. There is time in high school and university, in any case, [the teacher said] "Learn history" and "Please travel." At the time I didn't understand what the intentions [of those words were] just that once we became people of society we wouldn't have time. Now, I think I've begun to understand why. We need to learn history so we know why we are here now and we need to travel to learn about other people's culture. It is important to broaden our values.

Ending speech

Sho: Today, in reality, we have spent a lot of time and intruded on the teachers of this school. They were very kind to us. You are surrounded by wonderful teachers. You might not realize that now but you are blessed to be in this environment. Seeing it from the side, I can feel that. Please live in a good school life.

Notes: Phew!  that was a challenge. I haven't edited this yet so there might be some spelling or grammatical errors. I liked Sho's speech at the end too but I'll have to leave that for another time right now I need to defrost in the shower. WHY IS IT SO COLD STILL??? LOL                   

masaki, translation, hna, sho

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