fannish sticky post

Dec 21, 2010 23:49

This is mostly for myself as I feel weird friending people when I just like to read their fics. I know, I know, perfectly fine at lj but it still feels weird to me. I can't help but use my rl definition for friends and nope, just because I want something from someone, does not make him my friend. Heh.

But because I still don't want to miss any new stories posted by these awesome writers and since some of them don't always post to comms or I'm not on the comms anyhoo - here be a list of some of my most adored authors.

+ kroki-refur writes awesome, awesome angsty, incredibly real Supernatural gen

+ minkmix writes lovely, angsty and mostly Dean-centric Supernatural, also mostly gen, and the awesomest Dark Angel, also fen (all I say is Alec and Original Cindy - whee)

+ eloise_bright also writes Supernatural and also gen and it rings so true

+ dodger_winslow - again with awesome, very real Supernatural fic, especially Wee!chesters

I'm sure I'll add more to this list. These are just the ones, I can think of right now.

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