08 08 16
- Hitachi Website updated
http://kadenfan.hitachi.co.jp/tashizan/index.html - The Television 89th Drama Academy Award
Best Theme Song: Daylight - Arashi
Best Drama: 99.9~keiji senmon bengoshi
2nd : Sekamuzu
Best Actor : Ohno Satoshi
- Eikura Nana (Debikuro-kun and 99,9) got married to her 'N no tame ni' co-star Kaku Kento. I'm really surprised!
http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2076488/full/?ref_cd=tw - Sho-kun Olympic program.
09 08 16
- No gutto Sports. I wonder if the program ended or not...
http://www4.nhk.or.jp/g-sport/ - 20th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix, Spring 2016
1st: Sekaiichi Muzukashii Koi (NTV) /FZ
2nd: 99.9 -Keiji Senmon Bengoshi- (TBS) /FZ
1st: Ohno Satoshi (Sekamuzu - NTV) /FZ
2nd: Matsumoto Jun (99.9 - TBS) /FZ
https://twitter.com/JDoramaID/status/762853929646370816https://twitter.com/JDoramaID/status/762853768736026624https://twitter.com/JDoramaID/status/762852482464698368https://twitter.com/JDoramaID/status/762852335164936193 - Becky not allowed to co-star with Johnny's talents? looks like Mary kitagawa won't allow it
- Japonism Arena tour Yokohama:
A: The showcase was filled with cakes
O: We got so excited & then Matsujun yells at us like 'YOU'RE IN THE WAY'
J: [who's beside them,having his make up done] It was right next to me
OA: We have to eat sweets! ? It's different when others join in!
Aiba to ohno: Oh-chan, we want to eat chocolate cake right!
Aiba to staff: Prepare chocolate cake tomorrow!
10 08 16
- Last day of Japonism Arena tour with 2 performances. From the reports that I've read there was nothing interesting today. I wonder if they filmed for Dvd... Tomorrow Arashi on the news.
- The opening image of the idol group Arashi concert tour "ARASHI" Japonism Show "in ARENA" was produced by A-1 Pictures.
https://twitter.com/a1pictures/status/763359427730616321 - Arashi watched rio 2016.
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160811-00000052-sph-ent 11 08 16
- News about conclusion of Japonism Arena tour.
- - Sho-kun Olympic program.
12 08 16
- Sho-kun from Rio on News Zero
https://twitter.com/arashi_info/status/764107587008602112 - Tonight Recomen:
Aiba likes driving. Right after he turned 18, he got his license.
Aiba likes waffle cones, but not the regular cones. Aiba likes the waffle cone as it is. He doesn't even need the ice cream, maybe he'll just start eating the cone by itself.
Aiba doesn't really have a daily routine, but he goes to a specific shrine.
Aiba used to work out at home, like sit-ups, but now he doesn't.
Cr lysanderpuck
13 08 16
- Sho-kun from the Olympic of Rio
- [RUMOR] SMAP to announce disbandment tomorrow, August 14 2016
BREAKING: SMAP will bisband on Dec. 31 this year, Johnny's announced in faxed statement to media. Nakai and Kimura, most likely, will stay in the industry. If someone's to retire from the industry, that would probably be Shingo.
ven taken off from the list of artists and FC
http://www.cyzowoman.com/2016/08/post_21342.htmlhttp://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/1694473.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nikkansports_ogphttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/08/14/entertainment-news/smap-disband-new-years-eve/#.V7BnsTV-aNNhttp://doramaworld.blogspot.it/2016/08/smap-announces-their-impending.htmlhttp://www.tokyohive.com/article/2016/08/breaking-johnny-associates-officially-announce-smaps-disbandmenthttp://www.tokyohive.com/article/2016/08/smap-members-release-statements-on-their-disbandmenthttp://aramajapan.com/news/disbandment-of-smap-confirmed/62376/http://doramaworld.blogspot.it/2016/08/smaps-impending-disbandment-after.htmlhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/20/world/asia/japan-smap-breakup.html?smid=tw-nytimesworld&smtyp=cur&_r=0http://www.nippon.com/en/currents/d00245/ - Celebrities react to SMAP disbandment
http://aramajapan.com/news/celebrities-react-to-smap-disbandment/62499/ 14 08 16
- Aiba Manabu "new plan of broadcasting! We are making a "ekiben of the road" in the
"station and unknown Seven ekiben of the road", "" unknown food "! This time of the first
time the station of the road in the Boso city south Chiba Prefecture! ~ What exactly the
kind of unknown ingredients have appeared? Recorded 03 08 16.