Classifica giornaliera Oricon/Oricon album daily ranking:
#1 Arashi - Japonism Total sales day 1: 412,826 copies.
#1 Arashi - Japonism 2nd day sales: 154,964 copies
3rd day sales: 102,989 copies
4th day sales: 48,738 copies
5th day sales: 39,797 copies
6th day sale: 42,026
Total sales: 801,340 Arashi's Japonism album total sales in a week
Oricon 820,208 copies
SoundScan 886,873 copies
LE w DVD 490,595 LE Yoitoko 246,748 RE 149,530 Total 886,873 copies
66,665 copies of difference
Gli Arashi hanno conseguito le proprie più alte vendite nella prima settimana con Japonism, a ~ 820.000 copie.
Il loro "'12", Album di fila al primo con le più alte vendite iniziali 820 000 copie
"Numero di vendite settimanali" in passato il loro miglior disco, l'album "Tutto il 1999-2009 the best!" 753 000 copie (9 agosto rilascio), singolo "Calling / Breathless" (13 marzo rilascio) è 756 000 copie. Questo ha superato entrambi, ha cominciato a colpire il record di vendite settimanale, il più alto tra tutte le opere musicali degli Arashi. Ha vinto il primo posto 13 volte continue su un totale di 14 album.
Quindi: congratulazioni! Purtroppo non sarà l'album più venduto in Giappone visto che a novembre uscirà il meglio di delle AKB.
Arashi achieved its highest first week sales with Japonism, at ~820,000 copies.
"'12" Continuous album top spot self highest initial 820 000 sheets
Past "weekly sales number" self-best record, album "All the BEST! 1999-2009 "753 000 pieces of (August 09 release), single" Calling / Breathless "(March 13 release) is 756 000 sheets. This both exceeded, it began to hit the weekly sales record, the highest among all the musical works of Arashi. Won first place 13 installment continuous total 14 of his albums.
So congratulations! Unfortunately it will not be the biggest selling album in Japan since November due out the best of the AKB. Oricon 09/11/15:
1 56,890
12,826 + 10,019 + 7,578 + 7,363 + 5,104 + 6,270 + 7,573 = 56,733
tot 877,098 copies
2 weeks at n. 1. Soundscan album ranking
Arashi - Japonism
LE w DVD 526,259
LE Yoitoko 266,574
RE 168,169
Total 961,002 copies
83,904 copies of difference. weekly ranking Japonism gets two consecutive weekly no.1 General Recording Industry Association of Japan Public Relations Department this month degree Arashi "Japonism" has been certified as a million pieces. Congratulations!
As for now four album installment:
2009 All the BEST1999-2009
2010 Boku no Miteiru Fukei
2011 Beautiful World
2015 Japonism Oricon 16/11
3 27,298 copies
tot 904,396 copies
Oricon 23/11
5 27,394 copies
Total sales in 4 weeks 931,790 copies
Oricon Weekly Album Ranking (16/11~22/11)
9 Japonism Arashi
1 820,208
2 56,890
3 27,298
4 27,394
5 Week 17,529
6 weeks 14,475
TOTAL 963,794
7 week 10,565
Total 974,359 copies
25,641 copies more for million...
8 week 7,280
total 981,639
18,361 copies more for million...
9 week 4,340
total 985,979
14,021 copies more for million...
10 week 4,984
total 997,069
2,931 copies more for million...
19 3,513
tot 1,000,582
12 week
33th 2,001
tot 1,002,583
13 week
72 1,093
tot 1,003,676
14 week
87 1,060
tot 1,004,736
93 844
tot 1,006,397
Oricon 07/03
82 980
tot 1,008,148
Oricon 14/03
83 758
Oricon 21/03
104 590
tot 1,009,496
Oricon 28 03 16
140 459
tot 1,009,955
Oricon 18 04 16
153 402
tot 1,011,579
Oricon 02 05 16
152 435
tot 1,012,536
Oricon 09 05 16
185 457
Oricon 19 05 16
83 696
tot 1,013,689
Oricon 23 05 16
143 450
tot 1,014,139
Oricon 30 05 16
132 477
tot 1,014,616
Oricon 13 06
179 323
tot 1,015,361 Japonism
Oricon 25 07 16
216 300
tot 1,017,209
Oricon 12 09:
224 290
tot 1,019,659
Oricon 24 10
266 206
tot 1,020,512