(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 09:07

Reading about dreams on wikipedia now because I wiki'd Vanilla Sky. They are so trippy. Like... WHAT IS DREAMS?!

I hate it when you wake up and you're all, "HOLY SHIT. THAT DREAM WAS RIDONKULOUS!" and you just want to tell everyone but then 10 minutes later you've completely forgotten.

Or when you have a dream and you wake up and you forget it was a dream. Like, once I dreamt that I failed this maths test and the next day, after I'd woken up, I was so depressed and angry. I was all, "I suck," blah blah blah. And then, halfway through the day, I realized I hadn't actually failed the maths test. In fact, I hadn't had a test in weeks. It was so weird.

Or when you think about something during the day or you visit someone's house or you meet someone new or watch something on TV and then your dream that night REVOLVES around that thing. It's so awesome. I tried to induce that sort of dreaing sometimes by thinking, "OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK, HELLO PANDAS. HELLO PANDAS," so I could dream about Hello Pandas that night but it never works. You have to unintentionally think about it a lot or something... Hmmmmmmmmmm........

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