Review for 07-ghost vol. 1!

Sep 27, 2009 22:48

Hey world! I recently bought the first volume of 07-Ghost so here is my review! Enjoy~!

GENRE: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural

First, the cover! Here is what to look out for!

Second, the blurb! : Teased unmercifully in the past for his past as an orphan and a slave, Teito has only his best-friend Mikage to ease his days at the elite Barsburg Academy - and his mystery of the magical art of Zaiphon! But even that will not be enough to save him when he discovers a horrifiying secret behind the ruling empire. Trapped in an ancient battle between a wicked God and Seven Ghosts, guided by three mysterious priests, Teito discovers a power that could save the world...and shed light on his own mysterious past.

STORY 9/10 - The storyline starts off with a large flourish. This first chapter (hell, PAGE even) doesn't slowly ease you into the plot. It grabs you by the shoulders and forces you to pay attention, because from here on in, EVERYTHING counts. We can see this through mystery seen on the first page. As the volume progresses, it keeps up an even pace by not overloading the reader with too much information, nor does it drag along. Also, it has dashes of humor and emotional parts to give the plot a bit of thickening. The one thing that took away the point from being 10/10, was although the mystery is intruiging, a little bit too much confusing information if given. Sure, a lot of clues are given, but because there are more gaps then links, it can be slightly overwhelming. Let's hope it all clears out soon!

ART 10/10 - The artwork is refreshing to look at. As this manga is not a shoujo manga, it isn't littered with sparkles or flowers (not that that's a bad thing!). (Ok, according to, this manga is shoujo.....) However, nor is it just bare lines. The artwork is crisp, with enough shading in the right places to give depth. Also, the colour-pages at the front are great and everything is well-drawn overall.

CHARACTER 10/10 - I absosuletly adore most of the characters! They all have a distinct personality, and none seem to blend into the background, with the exception of a few of the side characters (who don't really seem to matter anyway). The main character, Teito, is interesting and definetly carries his fair share of secrets.....most he doesn't even know about until later! He is a character one can sympathise with and he doesn't whine about his shattered past or brag about his powers. Mikage, Teito's best friend, is definetly a keeper. With a happy-go-lucky personality, a sense of humor and a dash of sensitivity that can match any girl, he wins the heart of any reader. The bad guy is intruiging, so it is up to the individual reader to hate or admire him as he isn't completly cast as the "terribly evil" character. As in, he's pretty good-looking and has a "cool" personality, so one can't HATE him from the start. As the story progresses, one can make their own choice. The three mysterious priests are interesting, each in their own way. One is a constant source of comedy who also hides secrets of his own, the other definetly take son the "mentor" role while the a little harder to define....

ENJOYMENT 10/10 - Ok, as you might have guessed, I THOUGHROLY enjoyed this manga. I couldn't stop reading it, and when I was forced to, I sufficiently complained internally! The story kept me intruiged and the ending definetly keeps me begging for more! (Cliffhanger, anyone?!) The funny parts are definetly funny, some laugh-out-loud, others chuckle-worthy.

Overall 10/10 - I would definetly encourage people to read this manga, as it is sure to capture them as it captured me!

Ok, here is some snapshots of what to expect!

Here is the first page...unfortunetly, I wasn't able to get the other colour-pages...

And with that last tantalising snapshot, I bid you goodbye! Ciao!

reviews 07-ghost

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