
Oct 06, 2009 14:29

I haven't done a meme in a while.

Gacked from lush-xx.

I am listening to: Tool. Fuckin' love Tool.

Maybe I should: Do some sit-ups. ^o^;;

I love: Patrick. Frodo. Sushi. Tattoos. Anime. My dysfunctional but extremely interesting family. Filmmaking. And a cornucopia of other things.

I don't understand: How people can brush off Darwin's theory of evolution. ALL THE EVIDENCE IS THERE! WHAT THE FUCK MORE DO YOU NEED?!

I have lost all respect for: The Saw franchise, after the first movie. A lot of horror movies in general. Celebrity/gossip mags.

God: Is a primative response to the unexplained created within the cerebal cortex of beings with lesser intellect.

Love seems to: Be the only good quality humans possess.

I get annoyed when: There are dried-up impressions of bubbles on my soap, when there are holes in my socks, when I have to talk to stupid people at work.

Today: I'm keeping my mum company as she's recovering from surgery, going to class later at 6, go home and roll around on the floor like a happy puppy with Patrick.

I wish: I was rich. Extremely rich. Then I'd have nothing to worry about ever again. (Unless I started having health problems. *knocks on wood*)

Do you want children: Ultimately, yes but not any time soon. I still have a life to live.

My best friends: Are my lovers. My lovers are my best friends.

Do you until your shoes every time you take them off?: My Chucks, yes. My multitude of really cool boots, no. (Luckily, girls' boots always have zippers.)

Do you like your handwriting?: Yes.

Your 'ex' and you: Are still friends. Not my ex before Patrick; but Elmar and Steven are still my dudes, albeit completely platonically.

Are your toenails painted?: No. I haven't given myself a pedicure in a while but now I really want one. ^o^;;

Simple kisses: Hold worlds of truth. Fucking someone doesn't mean anything if it's just fucking but a kiss on your forehead in a tender moment can tell all.

Are you a friendly person?: The friendliest, unless I have to deal with really idiotic customers at work. I try to be friendly, but the stupidity overwhelms me sometimes.

What color shirt are you wearing?: Dark pink with a really cool tattoo-esque skull pattern on it. It's Alee's, because I've lost enough weight to fit her clothes. ^o^;;

What were you doing at 9 PM yesterday?: I was in my scriptwriting class at Red River College.

I will always be: Curious.

What did you dream last night?: I don't recall -- only the feelings of extreme joy, and an intense splash of colors.

What time is it right now?: 1.42 PM. Just hanging out, watching movies with my mum and bumming around on the comp until I have to get ready for class.

How are you feeling right now?: Pretty good. Content, for the moment. I'll be engaged at college, then ecstatic once I get home.

Who was the last person you hugged?: Frodo.

Cocaine: Is something I'm NOT willing to try.

What's your favorite number: 9 is my lucky number.

When was the last time you ate a chicken sandwich?: Last week, from McDonalds, I think.

I last ate: A plate of chicken nuggets I split with mum.

What is one thing you miss about your past: Weighing 112 lbs and having less responsibility but I'm good where I am.

Siblings: Alee is 18 and recently left home to live with her boyfriend, and Annabelle's 8 and at school.

What are you thinking about RIGHT NOW?: Kelly Clarkson's video "Walk Away." It's fucking funny and it's a pretty catchy song; tolerable as far as pop music goes.

Tattoos or piercings: I have 14 piercings and no tattoos, but once I reach my goal weight, I'll be rewarding myself with a beautiful bird tattoo. I'm gonna be the bird lady.

Are you jealous of anybody?: To wish you were someone else is to waste who you are. I'm not jealous of anyone.

Is anyone jealous of you?: I'd expect so. I would tell them not to be, though.

Where was the last place you were at besides your house?: Red River College. The Princess street campus, which is absolutely gorgeous and a great example of modern architecture.

What are you looking forward to?: Possibly taking the Greyhound to Winkler with Patrick and Frodo this weekend to visit Brandon and Channon. And Halloween!

How many things in your past do you regret?: I almost regret running away from home but if I hadn't, I wouldn't have gained my independence, gotten more mature or improved the relationship I have with my dad. So, only almost, if only for how I wouldn't have had to pay bills and make money.

Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?: Who HASN'T gone through that?

If you could chance anything about your past, what would you change?: Nothing if it meant it changed something in the present; otherwise, I would have tried to keep from drifting from my friends. [Edit] AND OH GOD, I WISH I HADN'T LOOKED UP INFO IN THE MOVIE ERASERHEAD JUST NOW. What a fucked up film. Don't do it! @_x;;

Did you ever see Cry-Baby with Johnny Depp?: Nope. Never even heard of it until just now.

Do you like your life?: It could honestly be better but I've got everything I really need, so I have no right to complain.

Do you forgive easily?: Depends on what you did.

Do you get along with girls or guys better?: Guys in general; they like my boyishness and I like their no-drama shit. I can't stand the emotional baggage and constant unease that surrounds my female friends on a regular basis; I'm too old to be holding hands and reassuring them about their boy troubles. Grow up, girls, seriously; you're acting like you're still in junior high.

When I say Care Bears, what do you think of?: Oddly colored bears that can talk and have good values as well as drawings on their tummies. Weird, huh?

What are some of your biggest fears in your life?: Not tapping all of my potential and living up to my parents' -- and by extension, my own -- standards of a successful life.

What song are you listening to right now?: Aw, shit, caught in the act. "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Who do you look like in your family?: I've got my mom's face, her tendency to break out with pimples (she's 44 with no wrinkles and the odd zit every once in a while), and light skin (well, I'm darker than her but light compared to everyone else). I've got my dad's fingers and toes, hair, eyebrows (blergh! Thanks, dad), tendency to be chubby, and intellectual prowess as well as my artistic streak.

Do you miss someone?: There are a few friends who I'd love to see again, but no one especially.

What will you do tomorrow?: Still at 3 AM, get up around 11, shower, eat, go to work... Hopefully something more interesting than that. -_-;;


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