Title: It All Started With A Dare...
jaeyunshii and
jun_4_ever Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (We will community lock NC-17 chapters)
Length: Series
Genre: Comedy, Romance,Fluff, Crack,Smut, Slight Angst
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu,ChangTa
Disclaimer: We do not own DBSK or Furuya Keita. We only own
the plot.
Summary: Six bored high school boys, one empty bottle, and a game
of truth or dare. It doesn't get better than this!
Authors corner!: Hey everyone long time no see! This is jun_4_ever here with the next update. This chapter was written by me with tons of modifications from jaeyunshii so no one blame her for the late update that was my fault and the fault of my muses that went on an extended holiday leaving me with a major writers block. Watch out for this chapter cause it is packed with fluff and do leave us a comment when you finish reading we both love to hear from you! Also extra EXTRA thanks to tashyahero unnie who was with me every step of the way when I was writing this chapter. I LOVE YOU UNNIE!
Chapter 1- Yoochun is better suited at being a pervert than at being cruel….actually he is good at both.}