wanna complain? lets talk about MTV gaah.

Jun 26, 2004 11:12

how hypocritical is it that im sad martha is going to jail..lol. GAH. So I figured it was about time for a little update-a-roo. I just woke up...kinda early, but my moms was cooking her famous breakfasts...smelled like I was a kid again.. So lets see...thursday night I hung out with AJ, not a lot to do...but I had a really nice time. I enjoyed the weather alot. And the sparkly things were in the sand at the beach. The next morning, didnt get outta bed until like 3:30pm..lol just laid around awake for hours...likeatmyhouse. I met little jesus and then drove out to pace. I met up with Christa at her house and we got to hang out before she had to leave for P-vania. We played with the babies (which is it funnie that we still call the rats our babies?) i think so. Anyhow...So as much as I wanted to come home...I miss Gainesville...We found out we got the house we wanted! woot. We get to start working on it as soon as we feel like it. I wish some people didnt have work..cause.. well I want em to come to gainesville. Anyhow. So last night christa and I went to ryans for awhile...then went to the mall to hit up the house of the dead...I had a little unfinished business with Curien..that dick. So then we went to get some food and went and watched some gay guys dance on tv..lol gay pimp. I went and hung out with jeremy and met like 40 thousand people...they live in this awesome like old barn house thing. Theres lots of kids around...every room has different music playing. And there are stenciled pics sprayed on the walls in random little spots. We got absolutely blazed with all the people there..and watched them shroom, some were rolling. lol we played nintendo..and wandered around the house. Came home. Didnt get a chance to call someone..gah. So Imma make it up to him somehow. reallyipinkypromise. so..some random things that happened..noteworthy shit:
-It has poured on me like 12 times in the past two days..and somehow I have always managed to get in it.
-my rents are throwing a "pool party" cookout thing for my neice and nephew..lol my parents are so awesome.
-got to see Katie..got sold the SCHWAGGIEST dirtiest sack I have had since it was up to me and jarrod and michael perry. really. EVERYONE at jeremy's was stoned but like hacking up a lung. I dont even know where that sack went bc I basically just gave it to the house. we all smoked it. but goddamn. I wont do that again. lol
-I want to be at home working on the house..but I know when your available Ill want to be here.
-I realized that the way I always dance when youre lucky enough to be caught seeing it...is the SKA...lol it is from the 80s...just not what you all might have thought. yeah im not just flailing around. it has a name. lol -thanks Back to the Beach.
-I want a garden..with a sculpture or some art in it. Ill make it. dont worry.
-btw...I need to find something crafty to make, paint, revamp, etc...for the new house...
-I bet if the american population generally wasnt fucking retarded, we could all get together and not vote at all. I bet it wouldnt matter...lol they would still put the dickshit in office.
-I want to learn how to carve chunks of wood with a chainsaw..anyone have any tips?

I wonder if:
*farenheit 9\11 was any good...I missed it yesterday. lets change that, any takers?
*ryan ever got to feeling better...I hope so.
*you made it to work on time last night.. :)eventhoughyourunthatshit.
*YOU will ever just let it go? grow up. I cant fake this smile much longer.
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