Oct 28, 2004 23:30
hmmmmmmmmm lets see not much to update cause lets face it not much going on in my life, i work. A LOT. and that's about all. I get to see my friends a lot which is cool but for some reason lately i just don't feel myself. It must be PMS lol. i dunno i feel out of sync with everyone else, work is ok but i'm not really all that social there cause my friends that i work with are all in school when i'm working so i mainly just keep to myself. I don't feel as social around my buds anymore either which is wierd cause i don't think i've ever been at a loss of words around you guys but sometimes it feels like nobody is listening probably because of one of three things, 1.) youngest child syndrom (nobody listens to the youngest) 2.) i talk to damn much and people are sick of me 3.) nobody cares. LOL j/k i know you guys care sometimes lol. Maybe it's just a low point in my life. no school, my friends all have school, lifes passing me by while i'm working at an old fokes home DAMNIT!!! oh well that's all for now.