Hi there! I don't know if you guys already know, but Yuto’s up for 2018′s Best Jeanist Award this year, and voting ends on August 31st, which is Friday in Japan or Thursday for me in the US! That means this is pretty much the last chance we'll have to get our votes in, so for anyone who's interested, it’s a simple single-step form where anyone can cast an anonymous vote for one male celebrity and one female celebrity living in Japan on Japan Jeans Association’s
2018 Best-Jeanist website, and you can submit it just like that!
Here’s the form translated into English to help the non-Japanese voters navigate the site a little bit easier:
Male Celebrity: Nakajima Yuto
Last Name: 中島 First Name: 裕翔
Female Celebrity: Arai Nanao
Last Name: 荒井 First Name: 菜々緒
(it'll be her last win before being inducted into the hall of fame!)
Just thought I'd pitch in a little bit and do my due diligence as a simple yet fairly dedicated fan lol! I have to admit that I'm pretty much in it for the news coverage because if Yuto wins, that means there'll be more press for him, which in turn means more press for Hey! Say! JUMP!
And if it's anything like last year, that means more silly antics from Yuto, which I personally cannot get enough of:
Thanks a lot, and I hope your day is cool beans! ♥