(no subject)

Aug 25, 2010 13:48

Last night, I had to run to the store. The kids were all in bed, so I went all by myself. It was heaven. I wasn't holding anyone's hand. Not once did I have to say, "Knock it off!" I could hear myself think. And think, I did. My thoughts were so loud that I wouldn't have been surprised if I was actually talking to myself out loud.

The biggest thing that I kept thinking? I need to open my heart more. I need to tell people what I'm thinking. I need to take more chances in sharing my feelings (at least in real life.) I need to put it all on the line sometimes and risk looking silly. I need to chat up cashiers more. I need to offer smiles to passersby the look like they've had one hell of a day. I already do those things to a degree, but I hold myself back all the time for fear of being rejected or looking stupid. But, no more. So, from now on, I will open my heart to it's fullest extent. Because that's actually who I am, and I need to stop fighting it.

So, all that rambling leads me to this:  ladies, you all inspire me every single day. You all give me hope in spades. You share so much of your lives with me, and I am grateful in a way that's hard to explain. Each and every one of you mean something special to me. Truly. No bullshit or pretense. I love and care for all of you. And most importantly, I have endless amounts of gratitude for the amazing women who help keep me afloat when it all seems impossible, cheer me on in my victories, and help me see my world in a different way. A better way.

Thank you for your love and time and attention. It fills me up.

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