May 17, 2006 11:08
Ooh I have my Physics Higher exam today - I'm muchos scared. Though I suppose I only need a C in it for Edinburgh Vet School so hopefully I can get at least that.
What's happened recently. Well, there was the last day of school which was very sad but everyone has already posted loads about that so I won't go into detail. Oh and Sam's party which was very good, despite have the people being struck down with river fever.
The rest of the time I have just been revising and playing with the kitten! He is so unbelievably cute. Last night I came into the kitchen and found him curled up asleep in my dad's violin case! And this morning he has been tight-rope walking on our pulley-clothes-line-thingy but he keep falling off and landing in piles of washing! I have so many other kitten stories (like him leaping off the sofa and landing in the bin!) but I shall try and restrain myself!
We're still not sure what to call him. We want something kind of quirky I think. Mum wants to call him Tizer, my brother wants to call him Titus (Roman guy - son of Brutus) and I quite like Oscar (ok, not very quirky I know, but it's still a nice name).
Good news about my prom dress. My grandma says she will try and alter and repair it, because the tailors said they couldn't. I really hope she can manage it because I really want to wear it!