Jun 30, 2006 00:43
WELCOME BACK TO JUMPINBEANZ!!!! :-D Here's a fresh start!
(1) Your gender: female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) loved?: yes
(4) Want to be?: yes
(5) Your birthday: June 12, 1989
(6) Age you act: 13-21 depends on my mood and who i'm with
(7) Age you wish you were: idk
8) Your height: 5'3
(9) The color of your eyes: green
(10) Happy with it?: sure
(11) The color of your hair: light brown
(12) Happy with it?: sure
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: right
(14) Your living arrangement?: in the same house that i have been living in since i was a baby
(15) What's your job: Pasquales, bus girl
(16) Piercings?: no ...well kind of but probably not what you're thinking
(17) Since?: see ^
(18) Obsessions?: eating chocolate...
(19) Do you speak another language?: Spanish, all though not too well.
(20) Have a favorite quote?: "But why is the rum gone?!"
(21) Do you have a webpage?: no
(22) Do you live in the moment?: depends on what the moment is
(23) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yeah
(24) Do you have any secrets?: secrets should be kept secrets
(25) Do you hate yourself?: no, just disappointed sometimes.
(26) Do you like your handwriting?: meh yeah, it's kinda boring
(27) Do you have any bad habits?: i whine alot
(28) What is the compliment you get most from people?: "you're so talented at the piano! it's fun to watch those fingers fly!"
(29) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: i'll have to think about that one
(30) What's your biggest fear?: probably drowning
(31) Can you sing: haha no way i'm w/ the band
(32) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no that is really lame to me when people do that
(33) Are you a loner?: sometimes, it depends on what mood i'm in.
(34) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: idk actually
(35) Are you a daredevil?: depends on what the dare is
(36) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: idl
(37) Are you passive or aggressive?: passive usually
(39) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength: my talent at the piano weakness: i have no stamina for physical activities!
(40) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: to stop hating
(41) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: can't i have all three?
(42) How do you vent?: i tend to ball it up inside and then let it out crazily somehow
(43) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: at times...
(45) Do you think life has been good so far?: life has been OKAY
(46) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: "carpe deim"
(47) What do you like the most about your body?: eyes
(48) And least?: idk
(49) Do you think you are good looking?: sure
(50) Are you confident?: yeah usually i think
(51) What is the fictional character you're most like?: this is a really fun question but i can't think of anyone
(52) Do people know how you feel?: only a certain few that i care to share w/
(54) Smoke? i get headaches from the smell
(55) Do drugs?: never have, never will.
(56) Read the newspaper?: comics and will browse through it if anything catches my eye
(57) Pray?: unless i have to, no
(58) Go to church?: see above answer
(59) Talk to strangers who IM you?: depends if i know you i won't block you, if i don't know your OR if i don't feel like dealing w/ you at the moment, i will block you
(60) Sleep with stuffed animals?: no but there are stuffed animals in my room
(61) Take walks in the rain?: oh yeah, i love the smell of the warm rain when i take my dog out after a rain
(63) Drive?: yup =)
(64) Like to drive fast?: no i don't want to get ticketed for something that stupid
(65) Liked your voice?: eh...it bothers me sometimes
(66) Hurt yourself?: not on purpose
(67) Been out of the country?: only Canada...but honestly, what person in MI hasn't been to Canada?!
(68) Eaten something that made other people sick?: no
(69) damn it i accidentally erased question number 69!!! meh oh well
(70) Been unfaithful?: idk
(71) Been in love?: idk
(72) Done drugs?: NO
(73) Gone skinny dipping?: no
(74) Had a surgery?: yeah i've had 3 and it's about to be another major one
(75) Ran away from home?: no, but there were times when i probably wanted to.
(76) Played strip poker?: no
(77) Gotten beaten up?: no...noone tries to beat me up because they say i'm too tiny and fragile which is basically true.
(78) Been picked on?: yeah
(79) Been on stage?: for piano recitals? yes. for musicals? no but i was in the pit for Bye Bye Birdie, Good News, and Hello Dolly.
(80) Been on a roller coaster?: I don't really like them too much.
(81) Slept outdoors?: never, i don't think.
(82) Thought about suicide?: not about comitting it.
(83) Pulled an all-nighter?: almost but not quite. but one night i stayed up until like 5:30 AM but then my dad was leaving for work and he told me to get to bed lol.
(84) If yes, what is your record?: ^
(85) Gone one day without food?: no
(86) Talked on the phone all night?: no
(87) Slept with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: no
(88) Slept all day?: no, i like to wake up before like noon so i can get something accomplished
(89) Killed someone?: no
(90) Made out with a stranger?: no
(91) Had sex with a stranger?: no
(92) Thought you're going crazy?: well not CRAZY crazy
(93) Kissed the same sex?: no
(94) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no
(95) Been betrayed?: no
(96) Had a dream that came true?: i don't remember.
(97) Broken the law?: not that i know of.
(98) Met a famous person?: no.
(99) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: insects
(100)Stolen anything?: never in my life.
(101)Been on radio/TV?: yeah i forgot which channel but i think it was for like Children's Network or somethin somethin...it was for when my mom was a nurse (which she is a DOCTOR now w00t!)
(102)Been in a mosh-pit?: no
(103)Had a nervous breakdown?: no
(104)Considered religious vocation?: no freaking way
(105)Been criticized about your sexual performance by your partner or others?: no
(106)Bungee jumped?: eesh no way
(107)Had a dream that kept coming back?: not really
Do you Believe in...
(112)God?: i actually don't think i do
(113)Satan?: maybe
(114)Santa?: not anymore
(115)Ghosts?: that'd be interesting
(116)Luck?: yes
(117)Love at first sight?: i don't think so.
(119)Witches?: nah
(120)Easter bunny?: no
(121)Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
(123)Do you wish on stars?: no
125)Do you remember your first sub?: no
(126)Still love shopping?: shopping's okay. i get whiny from trying on all these clothes because it's hard to find me a size that will fit so i don't reall like it. But if it's for something other than clothes like books or movies, then yes.
(127)Do you consider AOTC a mistake?:the what?
(128)What do you find romantic?: holding hands
(129)Turn-on?: humorous
(130)Turn-off?: hmm...i know when i know.
(131)Do you base your judgment on looks alone: no, but they play a role.
(132)If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: idk
(134)Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: i really don't think it matters to me.
(135)Have you ever been romantically attracted to physically unattractive clothes?: "who doesn't want to make out with off-color sweatshirts?" i quote brad because i stole this quiz from him haha
(136)Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: idk
(137)What is best about the opposite sex?: they are quite funny
(138)What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they can be rude when they are w/ their friends.
(139)What's the last present someone gave you?: i don't know probably something from my birthday
(140)Are you in love?: Currently no.
(141) okay brad deleted this question
(142)What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy standing on the sidewalk?:not care and continue about my day.
(143)That you called?: mom
(143b)That called you?: mom
(144)That you laughed at?: my uncle because he tried to make a your mom joke
(145)That laughed at you?: idk
(146)That turned you on?: i don't like this question.
(147)You went shopping with? my mom
More missing questions apparently.
(150)To make you cry?: CONCERT BAND...do you believe it? you all think i loved band ...and that's right LOVED...AS IN PAST TENSE
(151)To brighten up your day?: Theo because I just talked to him not to long ago and i hadn't talked to him in a while :-D
(152)That you thought about?: Theo, cuz he was the answer to the previous question
Yay...so welcome back to JumpinBeanz. I should be updating this more frequently. I just have one thing to ask of you. Please don't leave rude anonymous comments because that's what made me get a new LJ the last time. So...Capishe?