Feb 18, 2005 13:08
have u.. YOU damnit.
Fallen for your best girl/guy friend - nope
made out with JUST a friend - nope
Been rejected - meh, nothing too terrible
Been in love - yes, right now as a matter of fact
Used someone - no
Been used - nope
Cheated on someone- never
Been cheated on - nope, i dont fall for losers like that
Do you..
Have tattoos - nope
Piercings - regular ears, with an industrial piercing...belly button
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend - yup
Floss daily - nope, i have a bad habit of cutting my gums
Own a webcam - no
Ever get off the damn computer - yup
Habla espanol - not fluently.
Have u ever... YOU.
considered a life of crime - no
considered being a hooker - nope, thats degrading and disgusting.
considered being a pimp - only with my bitches...just kidding.
had psychotic tendancies - dont think so
been told you have split personalities - no.
been obsessive - over certain things, sure.
been obsessively compulsive - on occasion
panicked big time- sure, not often though.
had major anxiety - every mid-term and final exam.
been depressed - not to the point where i need medication, just normal mood swing depression if you can call it that.
been suicidal - hell no, life is too beautiful
If you could be anywhere, where would you be - with my boyfriend, kissing.
Current Clothes- Tampa Catholic softball uniform, white and green shorts and jersey with ever so trendy socks and cleats.
Current Mood - tired and content
Current Hair - in a messy bun for softball.
Current Smell - my hairspray...<3 bedhead hardhead...buy it.
Current DVD In Player - supersize me
Current Worry - If im going to play well at the softball game.
Current Crush - dont have one, have a boyfriend though^
Current Favorite Celebrity - kurt cobain...you never said they had to be alive.
Drink - no carb blueberry green tea
Colors - reds and oranges.
Shoes - puma cells...and converses
Candy- heath bars
TV Show - house. forensic files. case files. cold case.
Movie - eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.<33
Are you..
Insecure - no
Interesting - if you want to call it that.
Hungry - not at the moment, thanks.
Friendly - uh-huh
Smart - yeah, but i have to try very hard to make good grades.
Moody - depends on what time of the month.
Independent - meh, on a good day.
Shy - never
Difficult - if i feel that my opinion need to be stated..i am always up to debate.
Bored Easily - in school. yes.
On you..
Name - Samantha Lynne Schuele
Nicknames - sam, sammy, schuele, mr.pink, my boyfriend calls me puppy
Hair color - blonde
Birthday - July 31st 1989
Eye Color - blue...they can change.
On friends..
Best friend(s) - rebecca collins.
Friend(s) you go to for advice - rebecca collins , ali jones, the boyfriend
Friend(s) you have the most fun with - too many to name
Friend(s) you've dreamt about - nick, my boyfriend
Friend(s) you tell secrets to - rebecca, nick....i guess it can depen on what the secret is