elinor dashwood does a ph.d.!

Jun 13, 2007 16:39

Er, that is...she earns one.

I'm busily working away on my dissertation....er, finding new and innovative (or old and shopworn) ways to fritter away my hours....so, what do I do?  Take the quiz below to find out what Austen heroine I am.

Take the Quiz here!

It's not a perfect quiz.....but this is probably a decent enough fit for my personality.  Much as I love reading about Lizzy Bennet (Elizabeth Darcy?), I'm more an Elinor type of person, myself.  Fairly pragmatic, though with strong feelings.  (I couldn't be Charlotte Lucas, for all my pragmatism.  Marry Mr Collins?  Every feeling revolts!)

Ah, well.  Back to dissertating.  Ugh.

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