Dear Festividder

Oct 06, 2012 19:44

Dear Festividder,

Hello! Thank you for making me a vid! Festivids is my favorite thing (besides maybe Vividcon, but they're pretty on par with each other). First I want to say that if you're freaking out, relax! I will honestly love anything you make me. I wrote down the things I love about each fandom just as a guide if you're not really sure what you want to make, but more than anything, I want you to make the vid of your heart. If you offered a fandom and have a specific idea for it, or if you've always wanted to make a certain vid, do that! Basically I will be happy just to get a vid at all, but I would much rather you be excited about making it than feeling kind of blah about it just to make something that I would like. So seriously, do whatever you want! :D

Music is another thing I'm not super picky about. The only music I generally don't like is country, but if the song works for the vid, you can make me like that song. I have definitely fallen in love with songs I've previously hated due to vids using those songs. :D I really like Top 40 type music and 90s music, or if you're not so into that, anything with a strong beat or an upbeat tempo, mash-ups, a capella, rock, alternative... really, anything. But again, anything that works for you will totally suck me in.

And here are the fandoms (copied and pasted from my sign up):

Animorphs [TV]

I love all of the Animorphs so much, so I would love a team vid or a character study of any of the five! Rachel is probably my favorite character in the TV version, but I've definitely cycled through all of them as my favorites, so I would super love anything about any of them.

Boy Meets World [TV]

Oh my god, TOPANGA. TOPANGA/COREY. TOPANGA/STUDIES. TOPANGA/LIFE. I just love her to death. I would basically either really like a character study of her or a vid kind of telling the story of her relationship with Corey (which I know is daunting, but if not during Festivids, when else can I beg for something like this to be made for me?). Or if you want to make me cry even harder, a vid about Feeny and his relationship with the kids and how much he's taught them more about life than social studies. Basically I would really just like a coming of age vid that will make me weep into my hands.

Breaking Bad [TV]

I would absolutely die for a Skyler vid. I just think she's so interesting and awesome and I would love to see a character study for her. I also really love Jesse and Walt Jr., so either of them would be great, too! Or if you want to do something like anoel's CVV vid and make kind of a psychadelic vid about the whole general show, I love that kind of thing, too. Or, er, I kind of ship Walt/Jesse, as much as I tried to... not. /o So if you want to go to that place, I will support it wholeheartedly.

Nowhere Boy [Movie]

I would weep over a John/Paul friendship vid, or a vid about the hardships John has had to go through. I would probably cry even harder if you vidded this to a Beatles song, but any other music would work just as well, because I know it's weird for some people to vid certain fandoms to obvious/related music.

RPF - Emma Stone [Movie, Web, Performance]

You really can't go wrong with this vid at all. I love her in EVERYTHING. If you want to stick to movies or stick to interviews or do a mixture of everything, go for it. Whatever you want, seriously. I just would like to request something where you can see her be both really silly and then really serious, which is pretty much a given.

Space Cases [TV]

Can't go wrong with this, either. This was my absolute favorite TV show as a kid, and I would probably have a emotional meltdown if I saw it in vid form. I'd probably prefer a team vid over anything else, because so much of the show is about how they help each other grow, even though they fight a lot. If you do want to do a character study though, my favorite characters are Suzee and Bova.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip [TV]

I requested this last year too, but I reeeeeally want a Jordan vid. She just takes fucking charge of eve rything and is so snarky and awesome and I want to be her. If not a character study, I would really like something that focused on the technical/creative aspects of making a TV show. As someone with a BA in Television Production... I will have a lot of feelings, trust me. Also, I prefer to not have a vid focusing on Harriet, unless it's about all of The Big Three. Anything else, have at it!

Thank you again, my dear festividder! Multi-fandom is fine (though I feel like that would probably be very difficult, with my eclectic taste in fandoms), and treats are wonderful!


dear festividder, challenge: festivids

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