Dear Festividder!

Oct 16, 2011 23:51

Hi my lovely festividder! First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making me a vid. I am very easy to please, and as I had to cut my requests list from 36 fandoms down to 8, you must know that anything I get in any of these fandoms will give me seal-like clappy hands. Here is what I wrote in my sign-up, which are just guidelines if you feel like you need them. If you already have an idea, please go with that! I'd much rather see a vid that was made with passion than a vid you feel like you had to make in order to make me happy.

Animorphs: Rachel is my favorite character so something about her would be really cool. That said, I seriously love everybody on this show, so if you wanted to make a Visser Three crackvid or an andalite race study or seriously ANYTHING, I would be so excited.

Modern Family: This is another show where I just love everybody. This is a common theme among these fandoms, I'm telling you. I would really like something focusing on the kids, though. A Manny character study in particular would be really cute/funny, but I'd also love one about Alex, or maybe even an ensemble.

Space Cases: Okay. This is legitimately my favorite show. I remember what day of the week it was on (Sunday before What Would You Do) and every ridiculous plotline, so I would just die if someone made a vid for this show, no matter what it's about. I would probably just go for an ensemble piece with this show unless there's a particular character that you really want to make a vid about. Catalina (lol Jewel Staite) and Suzee were my favorites when this was on the air, but every time I rewatch it, my appreciation for the other characters grows more and more.

Stand By Me: Wil Wheaton! <3 Just something schmoopy about the power of friendship/love would melt me into a big pile of goo.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Jordan McDeere is my spirit animal, so aaaanything involving her would be marvelous. I also love the Big Three, though I don't really like Harriet by herself so I'd rather not have anything about her (including her is totally fine since she's obviously a big part of the show, I'd just rather not have a Harriet character study). A Matt/Danny vid would be cool, too!

Sugar Rush UK (2005): Baby lesbians! Something just all about Kim trying to figure herself out would be so interesting. I would definitely not mind baby Andrew Garfield sneaking his way in there, either. :)

Toy Story (all): Same as Stand By Me, really... I'd just love something schmoopy and friendshippy. Something that will make me tear up. Or if big emotion vids aren't your thing, something completely ridiculous (which is where the music request comes in, because it'd be pretty hard to make a serious vid to that song).
Music: Bad Horse from Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Zombieland - 2009: Emma Stone being a total badass, please. I love Jesse Eisenberg too, so I would totally not mind him hijacking the vid, but I would just love something about all the awesome girl power in this movie.

As far as music goes, I am pretty open. The only genre I'm not so into is country, but if the song works with the vid, country is totally fine. In particular, I really love 90s pop/alternative (The Wallflowers, Fastball, Third Eye Blind, Gin Blossoms, Chumbawamba, New Radicals, etc., or as one of my LJ friends described it, anything that sounds like it came off one of the first few "Now!" CDs). I also really like the most recent stuff that everyone seems to vid to these days (Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine, Adele, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, etc). And instrumental vids are really interesting to me. But really, I love hearing music I haven't heard before, so my music guidelines are not going to be very helpful because I'm just going to tell you that I will love anything you use. You are making a vid! All for ME! :D

I love festivids. So much. Good luck and have fun! :D

dear festividder, challenge: festivids

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