Festivids 2013 Extended Notes

Feb 17, 2014 02:54

OKAY. I made three vids this year. I think I started seven, some of which may go on permanent hiatus, but I will probably go back to others, since 3/4ths of the unfinished ones are already clipped. Oops. Anyway. VIDS.

So this vid was one that I had started a few days before assignments went out as a potential treat, though I didn't offer too many fandoms so I knew there was a possibility I'd get matched on it. This was the first year I didn't have a Dear Festividder to go off of, so it was a little scary, but I figured that if I put my own love into the vid, the recipient would probably get something out of it. The song choice came really easily to me. The idea for the vid and the song kind of came at the same time, which never really happens, so it was nice. The only major struggle was that while I was making the vid, the song BLEW UP on the radio and I could not escape it, ever. I got so sick of the song that I almost switched the song halfway through because I couldn't stand vidding to it anymore, but kuwdora and anoel were both like "WTF are you doing? DON'T CHANGE THE SONG. It's perfect for them." So I threw a temper tantrum, sighed dramatically, and took a short break before coming back to it, and once I had about 3/4ths of the timeline down, it was easy to finish. Also, the easiest part to vid was by far the section where James has a dream about himself (which I realize wasn't entirely clear, but it didn't really matter within the context of the vid so it's okay -- but it's the part that starts with the star wipe). And also James falling over himself dancing. Just lololol, this show was so amazing and I miss it so much. Everyone should watch it. It's on Netflix! :D

Okay. This one has kind of a long story, but as you may have noticed, bradcpu received four vids to Beyonce songs. That was not a coincidence. One day, in chat, milly mentioned that Brad didn't know who Beyonce was. Cue ALL THE GASPS, and a PM between sweetestdrain and me joking about how everyone should make Brad a Festivid to Beyonce. And then we were not joking anymore, so I rallied in a few people, and once he posted his Dear Festividder, we all picked fandoms and songs and went with it. THEN, AFTER EVERYONE HAD ALEADY MADE THEIR VIDS (and I was just starting mine), Brad and I were gchatting about girl bands and he goes "I don't like Beyonce." I totally freaked out and e-mailed milly and was like "BRAD DOESN'T LIKE BEYONCE, WHAT DO WE DOOOO???" Being his wife, she knows him better than anyone else, so I trusted her when she responded "Pfft, he doesn't even know any of her songs, it'll be fine." And sure enough, he hadn't heard any of the songs we vidded, so EVERYTHING WAS OKAY. *breathes*

But yes, about the actual vid -- I am the worst liar on the planet. I did not contain my squee for this show at all. In fact, 80% of my squeeing about this show was in gchat conversations with Brad, so I KNEW he'd know it was me. I tried to be really sneaky about it. I'm not sure if it worked, but I went above and beyond, you guys. Brad KNOWS I'm a terrible liar, so my approach was rather head-on and I basically acted like "oh yeah I totally made both your SHIELD vids, hope you liked them", and I commented on my own vid and recced myself, which I never do. I am pretty sure Brad did not pay enough attention to how sneaky I was trying to be to notice any of this, but that's okay, because his nosy little butt kept bugging me to tell him which vids I made, so I did. Except I switched out this vid with anoel's Masters Of Sex vid in a panic, which looks NOTHING LIKE MY VIDDING STYLE, and then talked about how proud I was of it and how it was my favorite and I felt I was really growing as a vidder. He told me the truth about his, because he's a good person.

Okay, now to the MAKING of this vid: I love action vids, but I am more the type to sit and watch other people's action vids rather than make my own. It was just never really my thing, because I am generally a mid-paced vidder, and that can be hard to match to an action-oriented vid. But really, the main female characters of this show are all super competent in different ways, and the main point of the vid was to showcase that. I also wanted to show that an action vid doesn't have to be all about physically kicking ass and explosions, as much as I like those. My style tends to put an emphasis on characterization and emotion, so it was really fun to try to combine that physical action. I really loved the way it turned out, and I'm so proud of this vid. I learned a lot from my vidding friends while putting this together, especially seeing how kuwdora strung together certain clips towards the beginning (even if she was drunk and doesn't remember any of it, lol). I like faces a lot, and still kept many of them, but I did swap some out for hands and computers and things that are not faces. I think the faces I DID keep really helped add a sense of character for the three of them, though, like, who are the ladies behind all the hacking and magical science and groin-kicking? How are they feeling? We get to see their faces and their emotions along with the things they do well, and I think that's why people got what I wanted them to get out of this vid. Yay!

I reeeeeally wanted to make rhoboat a vid this year. I was going to make her a Reign vid, but a) she would have immediately known that was me because I was literally the only other person in Festivids who had seen an episode of that show when letters went up, and b) I didn't have any song ideas and wasn't really sure about a narrative. It kind of went on the backburner with the other 25 vid ideas I didn't do, until I finished my SHIELD vid way earlier than I thought and had a week left to make one more treat before go-live. I decided I'd have to do a movie vid, and I really loved this movie, so why not? The song search was not horrible for this one either. I think I went through my vidding playlist on Spotify, saw this one, and was like, "Oh, that works well." And I kind of just barfed up this vid in two days? I knew it wasn't going to be my best vid ever, but I just wanted to vid something for the fun of it, and I know Rho well enough to know what she likes to see in vids, so I felt pretty confident that she would like it. And I'm glad she gave her honestly positive feedback BEFORE I ACCIDENTALLY TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT IT at the go-live party. OOOOOOOOOOOPS. /o\ I totally just wanted to hide under the couch for a few days, but Rho was a good sport and I got over it eventually when I thought about the actual important part of Festivids, which is that people make each other vids for fun and everyone loves receiving vids and YAY VIDS! So I'm just glad that she loved both the vids she got and had a good Festivids. I know she will be glad to know that I had a lot of fun making this vid, and that it was probably the least stressful vidding project I've ever done. :D

challenge: festivids, notes

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