went to Joe's Crab Shack Saturday

Aug 02, 2010 13:26

DISAPPOINTING. It tasted just like watered down koolaid with grenadine. the food was alright though. Bryan got mad at me because I wouldn't play along with their stupid "so and so always wanted to be a such and such" thing for birthdays so I walked around like the living dead with a feather boa and wand. IT'S JUST DUMB OKAY. I didn't even get drunk, not even a buzz. ~W/E~ then we went back to Sarah and Sean's, drank some more, still felt nothing, watched hilarious shit (One-Eyed Monster, an episode of the Boondocks), smoked a little and then layed around until Bryan got really tired.

now I'm doing laundry, probably going to read/play the Sims/watch Buffy and order some new plugs so I can go up a size (you hear me, SS? I'M MAKING MY EAR HOLES BIGGER.) hopefully. I've been spending too much money but that's okay because I get paid again Friday and I can waste more money, preferably on getting my sisters birthday presents and school supplies.

summer fun!, kill me, fuck fun, barfday extravaganza

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