See-More screamed like a girl as they all fell into the next dimension -- he screamed like a manly girl, mind you. By the time they all head reached land, See-More tumbled down a small hill and hit the ground hard. When he sat up, groaning in pain, he glanced around to see where he was. He was only able to see his surroundings for a few seconds.
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She tried pushing herself to her feet and yelled out again as pain shot through her wrist. Oh, hell. She never should have gotten out of bed.
Before he realized where he was going, he was too late. His feet tripped over Terra's body, and he landed on her.
The only thing that hinted that it was her was her hair, which was automatically in his face as he landed. "... Oh. Uh. There you are." ^^;
See-More was way too close for comfort, though, and that was not good. She got pushed back to the ground and swore loudly, her wrist only getting abused further. "Watch it, See-More, or you'll break something!" she protested, not looking at him quite yet (and not able to from her angle, anyway).
When she was to her feet, though, she reached out for See-More's hand, not really grasping the fact of the matter. "It's okay. C'mon, take my hand. Get up."
But nonetheless, he tried to find Terra's hand -- and it took him approximately ten seconds for his hand to finally grab onto Terra's and try standing up. "'Right. I'm up," he said.
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