when i was two my aunt taught me to say the names of and recognize the soviet leaders.

Feb 15, 2005 13:01

here's to:

-being sick
-having a happy valentines day even though i was sick and alone (sorry mom, you don't count)
-the sun for coming out today. yesterday was so depressing.
-emma for living across the street sometimes
-my dog: angelo, you keep my feet warm at night
-watching buffy instead of going to school
-lying on the roof
-choking on stars
-brenni for being so weird and making me laugh
-my brother for not whistling anymore
-my voice anytime it wants to come back
-knowing what i sound like again, unless it's annoying
-dancing forever or until i fall down
-not being lonely
-edouard for being my valentine. i'll hit you up with yours...eventually
-those pink candles for smelling so damn good
-getting over stupid crushes
-at least saying that i will
-that kid thats running down my street screaming right now
-my clothes being clean
-my dad for cleaning them
-lily for bringing me some homework later
-sydney for texting me back
-my fuzzy pink slippers
-my nail polish that's called fuzzy pink slippers
-swim team being over
-ultimate frisbee for starting this thursday
-that wonderful sun for still being out there
-writing the longest entry of mine ever
-being caught up in english only because i didnt have to go to school
-brushing my teeth
-going back to bed
-ending this entry

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