Army noodles and ketchup

Apr 23, 2008 13:21


Name: Anita
Age: Old enough to know better.

1./ If you could have one job, what would it be? I always fail at these sort of questions, because if I could choose, I wouldn't do anything at all that I had to do, and my interests are diverse and obtuse enough to not lend themselves to any sort of "normal" job. Ultimately, I think it would have to be something that fostered imagination, or I would get bored. Graphic and/or web design is typically my stock answer.

2./ What are your four worst qualities? I am absolute CRAP at follow-through. Just horrible, really. To the point that I try to not make people promises if I can help it, because procrastination is akin to breathing. Relatedly, I get distracted easily -- Anyone that knows me can tell you that I've always got my fingers in about a dozen pies at any given time, because I leap on inspiration when it comes. I also get criticized a lot for being too dismissive of people and their issues; Regardless of how it seems, I'm not actually insensitive -- I'm just too emotionally efficient for my own good, and it comes off as ambivalence. And last but not least, I am kind of a slob... and yet vain. Don't ask me how that works, because I don't even know myself.

3./ What are your four best qualities? I am an idea machine -- Always looking for ways to improve things and/or fill a need. Fortunately, that is helped by the fact that I'm extremely confident, as well; I'm never afraid to start things. It's just the finishing that I have an issue with. It's possible not everyone would agree with this, but I think I'm quite witty, as well, albeit in a more pared down way. I like my comedy dry; not necessarily high brow, but clever. I'm also quite intuitive/perceptive. It's not unusual for me to pinpoint someone's motivations before they've even figured them out.

4./ Describe yourself in five words or fewer. Mellow, intuitive, open, loved

5./ Describe your leadership style. I have been in leadership positions a lot, so I've tweaked how I go about things over the years. I'm a big believer in earning respect by listening and doing. You can't expect people to be confident in you if you don't take them seriously. Also, it's counterproductive to try and dictate and do everything yourself. The people you're leading are your greatest asset, and if given the opportunity, they'll step up and work with you rather than waiting to be told what to do.

6./ How do you think others would describe you? I hear a lot that my confidence makes me intimidating, but that once someone gets to know me a little, they realise there was nothing to be intimidated about.

7./ When under a lot of pressure, how do you manage it? Take a step back and assess where the pressure is coming from an why. Then, take it one step at a time. I get into trouble when I jump without thinking first, so I try to avoid snap decisions.

8./ Pick one that describes you the best.
a./ Introvert or Extrovert (self-motivated or action/people-motivated): Introvert
b./ Logical or Intuitive (go with concrete fact or trust your gut): Intuitive
c./ Thinking or Feeling (follow your head or follow your heart): Thinking
d./ Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing
e./ Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic

(I'm an INTP, if you're familiar with Myers-Briggs.)

9./ How do you show that you care about others? More than anything else, I try to be available and understanding. Yeah, I sometimes do extra little things for people to make them feel good, but I think it is fundamentally important to be there to support your friends, even if you're not necessarily BFF.

10./ Give us a quote. "I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them." - Jane Austen

11./ Who is your hero and why? (Does not have to be anyone famous.) My great-grandmother. She grew up in rural Georgia, in a time when finishing high school was a novelty, and yet not only did she graduate, she ensured all of her younger brothers and sisters did, as well. She wasn't content with the rural life and moved to Miami, where she was a successful, modern woman well before her time. She was twice married, a career woman, worked the line during WWII, traveled, spoke her mind, and was all-around awesome. Before she died recently, she told my grandmother that she had done everything she'd ever wanted to do; how many people can say that?


1./ Favourite soldier in Easy Company. Why? I only recently came to the conclusion that Nixon is my favorite, and it was a pretty big shock. I'd been favoring Welsh and Roe (Although, come on -- How difficult is it to not love nearly every one of the boys?), and Nixon had never entered my mind as a contender. I have a vast affection for flawed characters, and Nixon is definitely that. Episode Nine is my absolute favorite, and I realised Nix is why. I love his journey, I love that he goes through so many trials on a personal level that time and again get glossed over and overlooked in the midst of the war. When people are dying and suffering all around you, it doesn't seem so important to wonder why Lew's always at the bottom of a bottle. Most of all, I love that he is so infinitely easy to relate to; I don't drink, but I understand the idea of putting on the good face and trying to live up to expectations extremely well.

2./ Favourite episode or favourite chapter in the book. Why? As I said above, "Why We Fight" is my favorite episode. Beyond Nixon's personal storyline, it appeals to me on a fundamentally human level -- War is so easy to objectify. Yet here, we're forced to face the reality of the war, and it's difficult to take, but it's important. From a characterization perspective, we get to see the boys thrust into an extremely uncomfortable situation, one for which they've never prepared or been trained for. Watching how they cope is compelling.

3./ If you had been alive in World War Two and eligible for military service, what branch would you have joined? What job would you have wanted (infantry, artillery, medic, pilot, at all.)? Why? Army, most likely, but that's probably only because it's what I'm familiar with, having been in Army ROTC in high school. I don't have any real preference, especially given that the various branches of the military were all fighting towards a common goal and against a common enemy. I'd be best suited for something non-combative, I think. I could be a pretty good medic, I think -- I've got enough empathy and intuitive understanding, but can also emotionally distance myself from a situation easily enough if need be.

4./ Okay, so now you're in the military. What is the one thing you want to send or bring home from Europe? Anything that's not myself in a bodybag. XD

5./ The war in Europe is over. Would you be willing to go fight in the Pacific? Why or why not? Absolutely. While I'm sure I'd be damned tired of war by that time, to go home would feel like leaving business unfinished, I think.

6./ What are your plans for when you return home? To simply be normal, and fully appreciate everything I have, from three square meals a day to a toilet that's not just a hole in the ground.

stamped: lewis nixon

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