Army Noodles And Ketchup

Mar 07, 2008 21:35

Name: Randi
Age: 21

1./ If you could have one job, what would it be? A full time reenactor since I do Civil War reenacting in my spare time. I love dressing in the outfits from over 140 some years ago. I especially love the military/ medical side of it.

2./ What are your four worst qualities?

Quiet- When I'm quiet I am either thinking too much into things or I'm not happy with the current situation.
Sarcastic- This one, well let's just say that I do have a bad habit of doing this and it's gotten me in trouble loads of times lol.
Procrastionator- I start something and barely finish it and then start on another thing and barely finish that. Especially with books lol.
Attention Span- Yes I have the attention span of a 4 year old, this too has gotten me in trouble. It's hard for me to stay concentrated on one thing for a long time. I have to always be doing something.

3./ What are your four best qualities?

Friendly- I sometimes have a hard time trusting people, but when I get to know you better I'm there for you at any time of the day.
Funny- My motto is if you can't make me laugh, then you are worth being around me. I make jokes 24/7 and I love to laugh.
Polite- I'm a true Southern gal, I know my manners and I say "Yes sir and yes ma'am" all the time, I open doors for people and all that malarkey. Now when I'm driving, that's a different matter lol.
Laid back- I can just sit back and watch everything go by, which I do a large majority of the time.

4./ Describe yourself in five words or fewer. Shy, caring, friendly, funny

5./ Describe your leadership style. "Lead from the front, never from behind." When I'm at work I take lead on getting stuff done and getting people motivated, I like to get my hands "dirty" so to speak and help out, not just sit around and watch everybody else do stuff.

6./ How do you think others would describe you? A psychopath. lol. No, actually I have no idea. I'm just a laid back, friendly, country gal I guess.

7./ When under a lot of pressure, how do you manage it? I close my eyes, try to find my center and just remember that things will work out.

8./ Pick one that describes you the best.
a./ Introvert or Extrovert (self-motivated or action/people-motivated): A bit of both
b./ Logical or Intuitive (go with concrete fact or trust your gut): Logical
c./ Thinking or Feeling (follow your head or follow your heart): Thinking
d./ Shy or Outgoing: Shy
e./ Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic

9./ How do you show that you care about others? Actions. Hugs, phone calls, little notes here and there, emails, messages. Anything to put a smile on their face.

10./ Give us a quote. "You don't have to be here, to know here."

11./ Who is your hero and why? (Does not have to be anyone famous.) Shifty Powers. That man is just amazing in my eyes, the things he did for his company and his friends. And my mom. She's a strong willed woman who granted makes me mad sometimes, but she's been through more in her life and I can ever know.

1./ Favourite soldier in Easy Company. Why? Shifty Powers. Fellow Southerner like myself, good with a rifle, good lookin' man, always lookin' out for others. Or Skip Muck. Crazy guy, always looking on the bright side of life, full of vigor and vim.

2./ Favourite episode or favourite chapter in the book. Why? This is a HUGE toss up. When I first watched BoB, Bastogne was my favorite episode, but now I like Points and Carentan. And the book, I love the WHOLE book.

3./ If you had been alive in World War Two and eligible for military service, what branch would you have joined? What job would you have wanted (infantry, artillery, medic, pilot, at all.)? Why? I'd probably be either in the Navy, being that I did have relatives that were in the Navy in WWII, or I'd be combat infantry. I'm a sucker for the honor and the discipline that you work had to achieve in the military. (Though I would love to squish somebody with a Sherman tank. lol.)

4./ Okay, so now you're in the military. What is the one thing you want to send or bring home from Europe? Pictures if possible, a personal diary, any loot I get my hands on.

5./ The war in Europe is over. Would you be willing to go fight in the Pacific? Why or why not? No. I've seen enough war, I want to go home.

6./ What are your plans for when you return home? Find a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and just live peacefully.

stamped: shifty powers

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