of being sick. The sexy voice isn't worth it anymore. I don't like constantly worrying about sharing a cigarette with someone or a drink, for fear I'll get them sick. I'm ready to be well again.
On a lighter note, I want to remember this, before I forget. Just the smallest, simplest memory from the other afternoon. I went to see Brokeback Mountain with Chai & Chelsea. In the car on the way home, we had the windows half way down and the wind was blowing in. The sun was shining in a beautiful way. We were listening to Bella & Sabastian. In the backseat, I watched the shadow of my long curls blowing in the wind, so at peace in the conversations I was having with these people I love.
I think I'm ready for a relationship. Or a crush. Anything, really. Anything aside from meaningless sex. I'm down for passionate sex, but lately I've wanted it to be passionate AND substantial. Maybe I'm asking too much right now. We'll just see where the wind blows.