May 29, 2005 21:02
i hate songs that remind me of you.
your not the same.
when i hear the songs i think of what it was like then.
but its different now.
i cant seem to get my mind to totally realize its different.
it just goes back to all of those good memories.
memories that made me feel soo goooood.
memories are all i have to hold on to.
and i hate them.
just like the songs that remind me of you.
errr i keep thinking that you are someone else.
some one that is soo much better than who you REALLY are.
pondering in my head::
isn't funny how sometimes you like people who make you feel good... even if they're not your type and are people that you wouldn't normally like...but do you make excpetions for the way they are because of the way they once treated you or treat you?? is that right or is that wrong? they could be totally bitchy to everyone else but to you are they nice? and do you accept that and just hang out w/them anyways?
whats YOUR take ... COMMENT
well he made me feel good i accepted him even tho he wasn't my type or i didnt liek the way he acted....and now he makes me feel like shit and i still hate the way he acts and im still sortve attached to those good memories him
why am i so dumb??