Jul 29, 2011 16:01

Hi! This is Aki ( hizaki92  ), the founder of jump_fan_sub . I, on behalf of all of the MOD(s) in the community would like to express our deepest apology. The community has been quiet for a while with no video posts. We're so sorry about that! ='( 
I think I speak for all of the active MOD(s) that we've all been very busy and I've been sick a while. ='(
We're currently working on some videos, including OVER, the making of OVER PV, previous PVs and a few more shows.

I hope all of our members can be patient a while and please stay tune for some videos. =)
Alright, that's all for now! I missed posting things in here, so see you all in a few days time! =')

JUMP is 10 not 9! ='(


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