Title: Leorio Kind of Sucks
Recipient's name: The whole community!
Rating: G
Pairing(s): platonic Kurapica/Leorio & Gon/Killua
Disclaimer: Hunter x Hunter belongs to Togashi, not me
Warnings: n/a
Artist's Notes: It seems I couldn't resist Hunter x Hunter. I know how much you like Killua, and Gon kind of came along for the ride. I hope you like it
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Comments 8
Okay I am. I love Gon's shirt. (I think his name is Gon, I don't know the series.)
This is an adorable picture. Video games pictures are always amazing especially since the guy on the far right is like: "Yeah. I'm the master." And the guy with the tie is like: "This is stupid. OH DAMN I DIED AGAIN!!!"
That would be my thought process if I were both of those two, anyway.
And of course I have to appreciate the Mugiwara jolly-roger t-shirt Gon's wearing. *__*
It's adorable~! ♥
This is awesome.
...you know, this style is SO familiar, I seriously think I know who you are. o.o
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