Title: Juice
Recipient's name:
sharyamatoRating: G
Pairing(s): Abarai Renji/Kuchiki Rukia
Disclaimer: Renji, Rukia and all related characters belong to the crazed genius who goes by the name Kubo Tite. I'm just borrowing them!
Author's Notes: So there was that scene in the beginning of the anime where Ichigo had to show Rukia how to drink from a juice box. I just thought it'd be hilariously cute to draw a similar scenario with Rukia and Renji when he's undercover in Karakura High School. And Rukia's all "hah, you're hopeless" and Renji's all "che, shut up". WELL I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE. Please ignore Renji's arm with the juice box, I know it looks hideous.